There is no denying what we are facing is serious and has been brought upon us by the greed and ultimately the fear of the world.
I learnt in a share trading course a few years ago that the economy and especially the share trading market where we find most investment taking place is kind of ruled or controlled by the emotions of greed and fear. Robert kiyosaki in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, said the same thing, declaring that based on the emotional state of the economy we should have without the goverments help been in a depression long ago, simply because the general feeling in the market is depressed.
But there is another side to this, a good friend who is geologist once shared with me that everything in the earth moves in cycles. He shared that with me soon after the tsunami, stating that shifts and moves take place on the earth as a matter of cyclical routine. At first I didn't agree, but now I see what he was saying is true.
Even business and markets go through cycles. Everything gets shaken. All that can be shaken will be shaken so that what cannot be shaken will stand.
Maybe we need a tightening of the proverbial belt for a time, but this is a great time for entrepreneurs and especially those who have their hope in another Source. Now is the time to begin looking for opportunity, make use of this time to begin thinking outside the box.
Don't look at what is falling; look at what stands.
Take hope in the fact that what goes up comes down, but what comes down also goes up again. Its a cycle.
Where do you stand?
- Set a plan in place.
- See your future as a somewhere to go with confidence.
- Believe.Believe in the Promises that never change.
- Add faith to an amazing hope we have.
- The just shall walk by faith. Begin to walk.
- Take inventory of what you have in your hand. What skills and passions do you have? What has God given you that you can develop into an economic viable opportunity?
- Stay positive in your outlook and perspective.