Thursday, 15 March 2007

A Mission Statement

Last night I did something that I never really thought was necessary before, I did an exercise of writing out a personal mission statement for myself. It was a very interesting exercise revealing some of my hearts priorities for the next year that I need to ponder, make part of me and begin to take action upon.
A mission statement should take into account values that define you and how you express that value from day-to-day.
From those choose the top 3 ranked in order.
Then lay out 5 goals based on those top 3 actions, for the next year.
Include a financial goal for the year as well.
Now write that out in 1 or 2 sentences.
That is your mission statement.
God wants us to be good stewards of our time and resources. By defining your next year with a m.s. you will be able to focus your time on that which matters the most ie. you begin to set priorities for your time and resources. This keeps you focused when there is a temptation to get side-tracked or distracted.
So many things compete for our time that oftentimes we can find ourselves caught up in a web of busy-ness that just is full of 'things' to keep us away from accomplishing what we dream about. This breeds fustration and stress.
And King Solomon said,"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression,.." Proverbs 12:25
A mission statement will keep you focused on what is important to you.
Be Strong!

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