Tuesday, 31 July 2007
- Lee Iacocca
"Success is not an accident, it is a skill. It is predictable,and it can be learned, and it can be learned by you, and it canbe learned by anyone."- Brian Tracy
"I do not think there is any other quality so essential tosuccess of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomesalmost everything, even nature."- John D. Rockefeller
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Do You Practice Sin in Your Life?
Do You Practice Sin in Your Life?
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. - Galatians 5:21
When I was young in the Lord and read the list in Galatians 5:19-21 of the works of the flesh, I was afterward afraid that I wouldn't be admitted into the Kingdom of God if I ever unintentionally slipped into one of these fleshly works. That's what I thought Paul meant when he said, "they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." I wondered, Would an occasional, unintentional act of the flesh keep me or someone else out of God's Kingdom? What does it mean when it says, "they which do such things"? If I fall into one of these vices once, does that mean it's all over for me? So when I first started to learn New Testament Greek, one of my top priorities was to study Galatians 5:21 to see exactly what the original Greek was saying. What I discovered brought great relief to my mind, and I believe it will bring assurance to your heart and mind as well. When Paul says, "They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God," he uses the word "do," from the Greek word prasso, which means to practice. Had he used the Greek word poieo, which means to do, it would have referred to an occasional act, but Paul carefully chose to use the word prasso, which conclusively communicates the idea of something that is done repeatedly or habitually. These are the actions of a person who has put these things into practice in his life, performing them as a matter of routine. These actions are his ritual, his norm, his pattern of life. Thus, the verse could be translated, "Those who put these things into practice in their lives and do these things routinely as a manner of lifestyle shall not inherit the Kingdom of God."
For a review, let's look quickly at the following list of the works of the flesh that are not to be routinely practiced or habitually performed:
- Adultery: The Greek word porneia describes any sexual relationship that occurs outside the sanctified boundaries of marriage. (See July 15.)
- Uncleanness: The Greek word for "uncleanness" refers to lewd or unclean thoughts that eventually produce lewd or unclean actions. It strongly suggests that these actions begin in the mind as unclean thoughts before they manifest as unclean deeds. (See July 15.)
- Lasciviousness: This word in the Greek text describes excess, but it primarily refers to the excessive consumption of food or wild, undisciplined living that is especially marked by unbridled sex. (See July 15.)
- Idolatry: The Greek word eidololatria depicts the worship of idols, or simply put, "idolatry." The act of idolatry transpires when an individual gives his complete, undivided attention, devotion, passion, love, or commitment to a person, project, or object other than God. When something other than God takes first place in a person's mind, he has entered, at least to a measure, into the sin of idolatry. (See July 16.)
- Witchcraft: The word "witchcraft" is from the Greek word pharmakeia, the Greek word for medicines or drugs that inhibit a person's personality or change his behavior. We would call these mind-altering drugs. The Greek word pharmakeia is where we get the words pharmaceutical drugs or the word pharmacy. This word was used in connection with sorcery, magic, or witchcraft. However, for our purposes in today's world, the word "witchcraft" describes the flesh's attempts to avoid being confronted and changed. (See July 16.)
- Hatred: The Greek word echthra pictures people who cannot get along with each other. They have deep issues with each other, holding resentments, grievances, complaints, and grudges that go way back in time and have very deep roots. Something occurred along the way that caused one or both of them to be offended. Instead of letting it go, they are divided, hostile, and fiercely opposed to each other. They are antagonistic, aggressive, and harsh. They hate each other. They have a grudge and are determined to hold on to their offense. (See July 17.)
- Variance: The Greek word eris depicts a bitterly mean spirit that is so consumed with its own self-interests and self-ambitions that it would rather split and divide than to admit it is wrong or to give an inch to an opponent! This is exactly why churches end up divided and families frequently dissolve. Most of the issues that bring such division are not that important. Nevertheless, division occurs because the flesh simply hates to surrender, to admit that it's wrong, to let someone else be right, or to compromise. Flesh would rather blow issues all out of proportion and wreak havoc than to let someone else have his way! (See July 17.)
- Emulations: The Greek word zelos is used in a negative sense to depict a person who is upset because someone else achieved more or received more; therefore, the first person is jealous, envious, resentful, and filled with ill will for that other person who received the blessing that he wanted. As a result of not getting what he desired, this first person is irritated, infuriated, irate, annoyed, provoked, and fuming that the other person did get it! In short, you could say that this person is really incensed and ticked off ! (See July 17.)
- Wrath: The Greek word thumos is used throughout the New Testament to picture a person who is literally boiling with anger about something. Although the person tries to restrain this anger by shoving it down deeper into his soul, it intermittently flares up. When that happens, this person is like a volcano that suddenly blows its top, scorching everything within its reach as it hurls its load of deadly molten lava onto the entire surrounding landscape! (See July 17.)
- Strife: The word eritheia describes a self- seeking ambition that is more concerned about itself and the fulfillment of its own wants, desires, and pleasures than it is in meeting the same needs in others. When eritheia is working in someone's life, it means that a person's principal concern is to take care of himself and to get what he wants. He is so bent on getting what he wants that he is willing to do anything, say anything, or sacrifice any standard, rule, or relationship to achieve his goals. Because this self-consumed, self-focused attitude is engrossed with its own desires and ambitions, it is blinded to the desires and ambitions of other people. (See July 18.)
- Seditions: The Greek word dichostasia means to stand apart, as one who rebels and steps away from someone to whom he should have been loyal. Thus, the word "sedition" gives the impression of disloyalty. It is the ultimate act of defiance or disloyalty to an established authority. (See July 18.)
- Heresies: The Greek word hairesis carries the idea of a group of people who adhere to the same doctrine or who ardently follow the same leader and are sectarian. The adherents of a sect are usually limited in their scope and closed to outsiders, staying primarily to themselves. In New Testament times, these groups were considered to be unauthorized because they were not submitted to the authority of the church leadership. In today's contemporary language, we would call them "cliques" - a group of people who believe or conduct themselves as if they are exclusive. (See July 18.)
- Envyings: The Greek word phthonos implies a deeply felt grudge because someone possesses what a person wishes was his own. Because this person has a chip on his shoulder, he begrudges what the other person possesses and is covetous of that person's belongings, accomplishments, relationships, or titles in life. Every time he sees that other person, he inwardly seethes about his success. He deeply resents that person's blessing and tries to figure out a way to seize it away from the person he envies in order to make it his own. (See July 19.)
- Drunkenness: The Greek word methe refers to strong drink or to drunkenness. The consumption of wine for the sake of intoxication was common in the first century due to many pagan religions that employed wine as a part of their religious practices. A drunken state suppresses the mind's ability to think correctly and releases the flesh to fully express itself. The believers in the first century were trying to walk free from the power of their flesh. The last thing they needed was to drink wine, inhibit their ability to think correctly, revive the flesh, and then do things that were sinful or damaging! This is why Paul urged them to leave the wine alone! (See July 19.)
- Revellings: The Greek word komoi describes a person who can't bear the thought of boredom and therefore constantly seeks forms of amusement or entertainment. This person is actually afraid of being bored, so he constantly contemplates what he can do next to have fun or to be entertained. The word komoi can refer to a person who endlessly eats at parties or who seeks constant laughter and hilarity. Although there is nothing wrong with laughter, this person is consumed with the need for comedy, light moments, fun, pleasure, entertainment, or constant eating. He lives for the next meal, the next restaurant, the next movie, the next vacation. (See July 19.)
And such like: Paul ends this list with this Greek phrase, which alerts us to the fact that this list of the works of the flesh is not comprehensive; it is just the beginning of the works of the flesh! Many more examples of works of the flesh could be added to this list, but Paul uses these as examples of how the flesh behaves, ending the list once he has sufficiently made the point to his readers.
Remember, when Paul wrote, "They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God," he used a Greek tense that categorically means he is talking about those who perform these things as a manner of lifestyle or who are habitually controlled by fleshly thoughts or deeds. To such people, the works of the flesh are their ritual, their norm, their pattern of life. So I must ask you: Do you routinely commit adultery?
Do you routinely live in fornication? Do you routinely allow yourself to think unclean thoughts? Do you routinely overindulge in sexual sins or gluttony? Do you routinely give your heart and devotion in idolatry to other things besides Jesus? Do you routinely run from the truth, like those who participated in witchcraft?
Do you routinely allow hatred to thrive inside your heart and soul? Do you routinely exhibit a bitterly mean spirit that is consumed with its own self-interests? Do you routinely permit yourself to be jealous, resentful, and envious of what others possess? Do you routinely lose your temper, fly into a rage, and give way to destructive outbursts? Are you routinely so self-consumed that you are blinded to the desires or needs of others? Do you routinely rebel and live in defiance to authorities or show yourself to be disloyal? Do you routinely act as if you and your exclusive "clique" are superior to other people? Do you routinely begrudge other people's belongings, accomplishments, relationships, or titles in life? Do you routinely and deliberately allow your flesh to freely follow its temptations? Do you routinely live for the next moment of fleshly pleasure?
If you routinely do these things, you need to be very concerned about whether or not you are genuinely a child of God. As you will see in tomorrow's Sparkling Gem, it is impossible for a real believer to continue habitually in sin. If these works of the flesh are the norm, the pattern, the routine of a person's life, it may be an indication that he was never born again - thus providing the reason he will not inherit the Kingdom of God. If you occasionally struggle with sin, then go to God and allow Him to show you how He sees your sin. Get a revelation of what sin is - how grievous it is to the heart of God and how damaging it is to your own soul. Then ask Him to forgive you and to cleanse you - and He will! But if you routinely do many of these things as a manner of lifestyle, I believe you need to go to God and ask Him to tell you the truth about your spiritual status! You cannot afford to make a mistake about this eternal question!
Lord, I thank You for saving me by the power of God. Help me put aside the works of the flesh once and for all. Please teach me to walk in the Spirit. I know that You have designed a powerful life for me, and I want to enter into that life in all its fullness. My hearts desire is to know You better and to walk with You, so today I am asking that Your Spirit propel me forward into this newer and higher way of living!
I pray this in Jesus name!
Byproducts of discovering your greatness
1. Optimum job fit. This is the place where we get the greatest amount of result from the least amount of effort. Our swing is so comfortable that sometimes it creates no sense of stress or tension at all. It is the overlap between our internal motivated wirings and the critical requirements of a job ? regardless of what it might be. While there is no perfect job where 100% of the requirements and our wiring overlap, some jobs fit better than others.
2. Immunity against boredom and burnout. Boredom is when we find ourselves having too much internally wired skill left over at the end of the day. When a job doesn?t call us to use our whole skill set, we begin to dream of new adventures, whether hobbies or professions. This begins to absorb the efforts that could be placed into our job. The other unintended consequence of a lack of greatness is burnout. Burnout is when we are asked to do many things in a job, but we possess no internal wiring, motivation or skills to perform the task. Certainly, every job has its ?taking out the trash? elements. However, if someone employed as an accountant doesn?t have the wiring to work with numbers or focus on a single assignment, it is easy to see the burnout he might have during the month of April.
3. Job settledness. Many people live life with the theory that the grass is always greener on the other side. They are constantly peering over the fence post, dreaming and wishing for a job other than the one they have. While at times it may be okay to hope for bigger and better things, most of the time it simply results in job restlessness. By finding your greatness, you end up settling into a job that fits.
4. Confidence and self assurance. Make no doubt about it, we hold our head higher?we work with a firmer step?we have a twinkle in our eye when we are in the process of greatness. An individual who has never discovered his greatness will always struggle with a lack of confidence and low self assurance.
5. Courage to make tough decisions. When you are in your zone, it is easier to make the hard calls. You possess a sense of relaxed subtleness about the impact a hard decision might have on others. You keep an eye toward the future and hold a certain awareness that things will be okay.
6. Best sustainable results. Anyone can create results one time. The question is, can you repeat and sustain those results? Best sustainable results will always pour forth from someone who has discovered his greatness.
7. Intrinsic passion, perseverance and creativity. A person who has discovered his greatness is fueled from the inside out. He has a power pack attached to his soul that drives him out of the everyday routine to truly participate in life.
Friday, 20 July 2007
We had some awesome meetings in Gap Pennsylvania with Bishop Ashley and then on to Vermont for an apostolic conference with Martijn and I and some others from the 'house' came up for a few meetings with powerful prophetic worship and ministry to those in attendance. We ended up staying a week and a half longer to do more meetings with Martijn and then back to PA for a Sunday and a Frontliners 'vision' meeting.
All round, the flow of revelation and the Lord's confirming presence attested that we are moving with the Spirit.
This past week was our breakthrough first meeting in Jacksonville. We ministered at our friends, Errol and Debbie's, church who are from SA and have been here for about 9 years now.
Since then I have met a wonderful "market place" apostle who has opened up so many new relationships for us, including in the market place which really is exciting. Suddenly, our program looks very busy. Next month we are doing our first apostolic encampment, in Vermont. That is, before it starts getting too cold again. We have made many wonderful friends there and always look forward to going back. This time, however, Michelle is going with to do a "Wholeness to Intimacy" seminar with the ladies there. So, we are trusting for a work of the Spirit for them there.
Summer holidays...you cannot believe how long they are, especially for parents. Jonathan and Wesley have gone for this past week to a youth summer camp, and we are still to hear how it went.
I would like to encourage you to not let the enemy of "Small Thinking" keep you limited and limiting the Almighty to see your purpose and destiny and life fulfilled. "Almighty" in the Hebrew means the "Sufficient One". He is sufficient to take you beyond all you have ever imagined. But some of you have even stopped doing that. IMAGINE. Time to dream!
Just listen for the direction and prompting of the Spirit to your life. Let Him initiate His work. Let Him finish His work and let Him DO the work, so He can get all the glory.
From all of us here in Jax
Be very blessed and powerful
Shaun, Michelle, Jonathan, Wesley and Jesse.
Your Kingdom Come
It's the norm today for there to be talk of the necessity of the Kingdom of God coming and being established by us in the earth. There are many who are considering what that means to the 'church' and the nations; Considerations of how we must do this and why 'they' don't receive it.
"Kingdom" simply means the "rule" and "demand" of the King.His dominion and authority.
When I consider that WE are the church, that has to be the first place that this Kingdom has its domain, then I realise that my first question needs to be:
How much RULE and AUTHORITY does the King have in my life?
What areas are still outstanding?
Where does the King NOT have dominion in ME?
Our first priority should be to see the Kings Dominion being established in my life.
Do I allow myself to be convinced and persuaded to LIVE accordingly?
Or, do I live under His control most of the time, but reserve a certain elements for my own throne?...
How easily we can "preach" the message, but have not researched the establishment of kingdom elements in my own life. Now, I by no means, am advocating a self-centered, deep depressing, analytical, condemning, nit-picking assessment, of my deepest emotions and life. No, we do have to understand our dependence needs to be on the power of the precious Holy Spirit who will lovingly reveal through the Word, through others, the areas that need to be captivated and brought into submission to the might of the KING and His rule. We are the land He has purchased and we are the land where He wants His kingdom, foremostly, to be established. But, bring His rule and dominion we must, to this land. Today, begin to allow the King to conquer enemies and territories for His will and purpose.
Heb 13:20
God has raised from death our Lord Jesus, who is the Great Shepherd of the sheep as the result of his blood, by which the eternal covenant is sealed. May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need in order to do his will, and may he, through Jesus Christ, do in us what pleases him. And to Christ be the glory forever and ever! Amen.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Conform or Transform
Business Plan Outline
Business Plan Outline
1. Summary Business/ministry concept, current situation, key success factors, financial situation/needs. Write this last. Assume some people will only read one page. So, on one page summarize the following sections.
2. Vision :What's the purpose and product of your endeavor. Why is it unique, compelling, valuable, and needed? Who will be attracted to it?
3. Marketing Plan :Who will be interested in your product or service? How will you let them know what you have? What is the value or price you will ask? What's the total demand? Who are your competitors? Why will you prevail in an open market? How is the industry changing? Will your competitive advantages remain in the future? What are the threats to and risks of this venture? How will you respond to them?
5. Marketing and sales :How will you promote or market your product. What is your sales strategy or advertising scheme?
6. Operations: Who will manage the work and make the decisions? What are their qualifications? Who are the key personnel? What work will they do? How will you motivate them to share your dream and work with you? How will you train and compensate them? What facilities, services, and infrastructure will be required?
7. Financial Plan :What is your current financial condition? How will your family and business be supported? Will you need a loan? How will you transition from your current job or circumstance through the start-up phase?
Include two items:
-Personal financial statement- simply a one-page summary of all your assets and liabilities, summarizing your financial net worth at the bottom.
-Cash flow statement- estimate all the monthly income and expenses related to your business or personal expenses for at least 12 months (or through your start-up phase, if longer).
Note: Consider making a financial plan from your personal budget and spending a few hundred dollars to get the accountant who does your taxes to formalize them for you. Treat your life and finances as a business, it really is the talent that God gave you and expects you to multiply.