There are powerful forces flowing from our inner man that affect our lives and of those around us. King Solomon said we should guard our hearts for out of it flow the forces of life. Although these forces 'feel' like strong emotions, they are in fact not emotions, but spiritual drivers that are revealed in our emotional states.
Of these, one that seems to be a constant among us, but also its opposite - forgiveness. Forgiveness is the powerful force we have to release the past of its hurts, violations, scrapes and bruises. Its the God-given ability of the inner man, to begin every day with a fresh approach to our future and not have have any dibilitating hindrances that keep us 'bound' by the chains of the past.
As powerful as the force of forgiveness is, so is the force of UNforgiveness. Unforgiveness, the strong force driven by holding to deep hurts, motivated by perceived injustices, feuled by misunderstandings, maintained by resentment and revenge and boiling anger.
Forgiveness, brings with it a healing as it releases, those that have been the perpetrators of the hurts or perceived hurts. Bearing in mind that, not all disappointment, offense and violations of our lives is on purpose, but comes as our perceived injustice to our lives, because it comes in violation of the way we want smething to be.
However, there are times when unrighteous injustice is inflicted upon us and abuse of our person and life takes place. That is when we have this powerful force of forgiveness. You see, the force of forgiveness is not only to release others who have have harmed us, but mostly, it is for us to experience the healing and tranquility of our inner man, through release of the guilty and the harm they have done.
Unforgiveness, on the hand, destroys our lives. It is a negative force, that in time, affets our mental and physical health, and not to speak of the disturbance it is to our inner man, our spirit. I would venture to say that, many are suffering physical ailments today, because the could not relinquish hurts and injustices of the past. It seems this force controls many in a very negative way, being a very negative force.
Unforgiveness is still operating, even when we say we have forgiven, but will not forget. To forgive is to release everything, and if we have, then we cannot and should not keep resurrecting the past, to our, and others detriment.
Forgiveness, means we treat the person as if nothing ever happened. An unforgiving force, however, will be revengeful and punitive, inflicting punishment through whatever justified means we can conjure up while looking innocent.
Do you punish by not speaking to the person, or maybe speaking about them to create a negative perception of their character?
Do you take revenge by withholding yourself from them in friendship, in fellowship?
It gets worse when we begin to insinuate, critisize, slate, accuse, become sarcastic, and then justify our stand.
All the while, though, we are beginning to, slowly at first, hinder and then, stop the life-giving forces of the inner man, that bring health and wellness to our lives and to others around us.
While holding to unforgiveness you cannot reach your full potential, in fact you will reverse your potential.
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