Saturday, 30 April 2011

Mentors Live What You Teach

A few years back, I submitted myself to a Mentor/Father, but unfortunately he had agendas that I was not aware of that in the long run cost me dearly.

People would ask very suspiciously why I would even have considered the relationship. Understanding the dynamics of the mentor -mentee relationship is hard to explain when you have not been there and when you get caught in the web- that place of deception and control.

I was given a series of teaching by another mentor in my life and when I listened, I was so inspired within, because it was what I knew to be true and knew I needed. You see, as a young minister and leader I was still struggling so much with insecurity and wanting to do it right. my heart had always been to preach and teach God's Word and see the church and people come to their full potential and 'learn' to know the Lord in a deeper dimension by knowing the Word. My wife and sat under some of the best teachers in the world and sensed the calling of God to take it to the world. We were so excited. We had worked with young people and children and had shared at numerous church camps, youth retreats, crusades and campaigns. We had taught and overseen our own cell group which had grown, we even had planted a little church that didn't do too well.

But when it came down to it, the second church we planted grew and we were excited about those coming to fellowship us. I sought out men who I thought could help me with leadership, of myself and others. In retrospect I can see they probably didn't know much either, because I went from "If you want to relate to me, you have to relate to my organisation" to outright rejection when I didn't do it their way. the stuff I ended up being scripted in was not always beneficial and left me still with a vacuum in my leadership and in who I was.

Of course the instructors wanted me to 'come under' so they claim something of how many they have 'under' them. But that was not my heart.

Where were the mentor-fathers who at their cost of their own lives would be prepared to take you under their wing , with no agenda and share their lives and experience with you.

Everybody had their own idea and basically really knew.

I then heard the message about the pastor and his father that I shared about earlier in this series, and I saw it, I saw what was needed. But as I began to share it with others, boy, did I ever get rejected again.

Fast forward to the day I receive the set of tapes with teachings regarding what needs to happen in the church and I believed I had encountered an Apostolic Father. I listened day and night and studied the word for myself. I pursued and tried to associate as much as possible, believing that here would be a father that could assist me with my leadership and shortfalls. But Oh was I ever so wrong!

Unfortunately, slowly but surely I began to discover that what I was hearing and what I heard was not what was being lived. the actions of the 'mentor-father' did not line up with their instruction. IT WASN'T REAL!

I was devastated, and it left me disappointed and disillusioned. But even more it left me wiser. Even though in the lesson of control, manipulation and all the pain, trauma and devastation, it cost me everything I had - even my purpose, my vision, and my sense of self esteem I was Wiser because I now had been to the jaws of and belly of control by a very insecure leader who could teach but not live what he taught. Leaving a trail of broken, disillusioned and robbed leaders behind him.

It was only by the grace of God that I was released from this, and found my freedom that comes through the gospel of truth.

We have to learn, as mentor fathers to be real and live what we believe, because that is what our disciples/mentees will emulate.
Do not teach what you do not do.
Be real, be transparent.
Do not let your insecurities control you.(or others)
Always, always keep in perspective that the child/mentee's full potential is the agenda not your fame and ego.
Seek their liberty as leaders, that they may come into the place of independence and inter-dependence, rather than the immature emotional state of counter- and co-dependence.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Research Survey: For Break Out Event

As an accredited Mentor/Business Coach and pastor/teacher for many years I have counselled and assisted many individuals and groups with various areas of victorious and successful living with a focus on living with integrity from the heart basing their lifestyle on the principles of the Word of God.

I have sensed for some time that the Lord has been prompting me to 'minister' to the market place and invest into the "church" outside the 4 walls, with mentoring/coaching and training to encourage and equip for their ministry, calling and function.

I am working on some programs that I believe will be a blessing but I need your assistance.

First off, if you could complete this online survey, it would greatly assist me to assess what the prevalent needs and issues and concerns are in the market place, and thereby offer the right information and direction and guidance to those I will minister to.

Survey Here with SurveyMonkey

And secondly, if you could ask others to also complete, that would really be great.
It is on my wall on FaceBook as well, but I need as many as possible so as to ascertain the best possible reflection and measure of the "need" in people's lives.

Thirdly, we will be launching our new and revitalised w/shop and event with mentoring and coaching; watch this space.

Thank you so much for helping with this, I really appreciate.

Survey here with SurveyMonkey

Friday, 22 April 2011

Taking Your Authority Too Far

There are few things is this earth as powerful as spiritual authority.

As a mentor you function in an authority that gives you tremendous influence over those you mentor. It therefore has to be taken very seriously and as Jesus said it should be handled as someone who deems themselves a servants and last of all. Not as those who exercise authority and as those who lord it over others, especially those they lead, mentor and father.
I believe mentoring/fathering gives you a God-given authority in the life of those you mentor that has deep spiritual dimensions, especially if you are a 'spiritual' mentor. Now the abuse of this authority and influence through the vehicles of manipulation and control and intimidation, leave those in our care dis-empowered and traumatised.

They are constantly in the battle of their minds, trying to understand and get to grips with whether they are wrong or whether they are right.

An abuse of spiritual authority is in all reality witchcraft!

It very frequently and mostly goes hand in hand with a spirit of deception. The deception leaves those in your charge unable to discern what is actually is going on, and even when they do sense that something maybe 'wrong', they are too afraid and intimidated to make a decision because they are so dis-empowered that they think and believe that it has to be them that are wrong because they MUST submit.

Not many understand this level of control, unless you have been there yourself and escaped and found your God-given liberty and freedom by knowing and walking in the truth.

Abuse of any form, kind or fashion is evil and is a manifestation of witchcraft, even when found in the church. And they all have a spiritual dimension that forms a web in the mind and goes hand in hand with a spirit of deception.

But the control and abuse exercised by spiritual leaders and authorities, goes far deeper and leaves the victim by far more scarred and with effects that take longer to overcome. I believe this is because of the level of trust and intimacy of relationship that forms and takes place in this relationship.
At times it can be as bad as not trusting anyone or discussing anything with anyone because it may get shared with the 'leader'. To very extreme cases you will whisper to the closest person to you just in case it may overheard.

Does this sound extreme?

You will find yourself in a situation where you want to "get out" but cannot, because of fear - not a physical threat of life, but just an intimidation; a fear of displeasing, of doing it wrong, of missing the way, and of being rejected.
To those that have been there and experienced this, it is a very real and indescribable place. Unless someone has been there it is hard to explain and put in to words. Yet as a victim, you suffer the anguish of accusation by association, judgement, suspicion, criticism, and blame. You are placed in a'box' labeled, and viewed as 'damaged' goods.

Yet those have experienced and been traumatised by the abuse of spiritual and other authority, and survived will be so much more sensitive to the feelings of others, recognising the signs and outcomes of such illegitimate authority. Misunderstood, but certainly stronger.

Its a fine line to walk as a mentor/father. My challenge is always to those that have this privilege to walk circumspectly and soberly in the role God has given you as a mentor and father, whether to one or many. 

Err rather on the side of too little than too much!
Never, never violate the ability of the mentee to hear and obey the unction within their own heart.
Die to your own ideals, agendas, personal convictions and tendency to label the mentee.
Be unconditional in the relationship and the process of the mentoring.
Never, never take advantage of the relationship,  even if the opportunity is staring you in the face- your integrity is at stake!!
Repent of and avoid any form of control and manipulation at its slightest inclination in your life and leadership.

Friday, 15 April 2011

A Friend In Need

Jesus said: Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Friend can be defined as :
Noun: A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

As Mentor/Fathers we have the privilege of BE-friending our children/mentees; of getting to know them and developing a bond of affection. I believe this bond carries some guiding principles that will build and develop the relationship.

Number 1:
It should never, never be violated. Trust is a precious commodity that is given to us by those we lead and mentor/father. When we violate this very basic and foundational building block of relationship we harm the potential of the mentee to interact with others in the future.

Carry this bond in the integrity of your own heart. Its always hard to recover from the harmful effects of betrayal. Let them know, but also show them that you can be trusted and depended on in the relationship.

Number 3:
Give them a chance to express who they are and how they see their world. Don't ever presume to know everything and impose your view on them all the time. You may not agree but when your mentee/child sees you are willing to and do understand them, they will be far n more willing to listen and understand you.

Number 4:
Recognise the mentee does not 'need' you all the time. In fact, they need to learn to listen their own conscience and voice of the inner man. But they do need you to be a friend who gives them support and acceptance. That at times can be communicating with each other, and other times just being together.

The harder we try to be 'superior' in some way, the less intimacy of friendship we will experience, but as we share our life and heart, purpose and they know we see them as the agenda of our time, the more we will experience their love and respect.

Be a good friend to those who are given to you and see your influence, and person grow.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The Love of a Mentor Father

Mentor Fathers understand the concept of UN-conditional love.

It takes unconditional love to bring out life in those we love. When we as fathers and mentors attach conditions we in fact place limits, strings and conditions that will control and manipulate and ultimately control those we 'love'.
I have somehow been aware of this principle but never quite could explain it, until I recently read something along these lines that made me so much more aware of how this works.

When we love our children and those we mentor without condition they will learn to understand life ie. how to interact with secuirty and true identity. They will walk in an assurance and confidence of who they are because they will sense they do not 'have to' conform to some conditional expectation that we hold over them. They will never share their heart with you and certainly will not trust that you have their best interests at heart.


Because really they do not have the liberty to 'hear' the voice of their conscience; the voice of their inner man, to guide them to making decisions for themselves, taking responsibility to take the initiative for their own lives.
True mentoring will always empower the mentee, the child, to the power of obeying their own conscience.

Many mentor/fathers have said to me that there is no "expectation".

But do you know that expectation can be implicit or explicit.
Implicit when I have expectations but do not share them, you can however feel them and sense they are there, and know that if you do not meet them, there will some form of punishment or consequence. Explicit when they are shared and made clear in the relationship and therefore can be measured and agreed to by both parties.

The implicit one is the one that goes with the love given with condition..

I have discovered this one many times. Even when the person or organisation says there are none and may not even be aware there is expectations, they none the less, with their culture and way of doing things, expect you to conform; at times even obligate you to conform. And God help you when you do not.

One thing I can say about the man God used to mentor/father me was he never had a condition or an expectation upon me. I never sensed anything like I needed to be like him or had to act a certain way or attend certain formalities. He just always encouraged me to pursue the relationship, and made it easy to do that with his acceptance and love for me. Yet I earnestly desired to the right thing always and sought his guidance and correction for my life.

But boy on the other end of the stick, I have had men (of God) reject me because I didn't or couldn't or perceived to not want to do it their way. Even when I pursued their relationship.

The unfortunate thing is that when we make our love conditional, the object of our love begins to work so hard at trying to prove that they have value and identity without our acceptance that in fact they do not follow the dictates of their inner man and stay in an immature state. We then arrogantly begin to criticize them for their rebellious -ness, and all simply because they are back-peddling from our 'conditions' of love.

Mentees/disciples/children/followers are desperate for unconditional love and acceptance. It does not mean we do not confront or correct or set boundaries for our relationships and their lives. But understand discipline is different to punishment for not conforming to our implicit conditions that we lay upon them for receiving our love and acceptance.

Search your heart today,
Are you loving your children regardless of their decisions and choices in ,life?
Do you constantly have your own idea or dream that you want to impose because you feel that is best for them?
Do you manipulate those you lead to get them to conform to your view and  do they have to 'work' for your love?

 Don't say you love unless you love UN-conditionally!!