Friday, 15 April 2011

A Friend In Need

Jesus said: Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Friend can be defined as :
Noun: A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

As Mentor/Fathers we have the privilege of BE-friending our children/mentees; of getting to know them and developing a bond of affection. I believe this bond carries some guiding principles that will build and develop the relationship.

Number 1:
It should never, never be violated. Trust is a precious commodity that is given to us by those we lead and mentor/father. When we violate this very basic and foundational building block of relationship we harm the potential of the mentee to interact with others in the future.

Carry this bond in the integrity of your own heart. Its always hard to recover from the harmful effects of betrayal. Let them know, but also show them that you can be trusted and depended on in the relationship.

Number 3:
Give them a chance to express who they are and how they see their world. Don't ever presume to know everything and impose your view on them all the time. You may not agree but when your mentee/child sees you are willing to and do understand them, they will be far n more willing to listen and understand you.

Number 4:
Recognise the mentee does not 'need' you all the time. In fact, they need to learn to listen their own conscience and voice of the inner man. But they do need you to be a friend who gives them support and acceptance. That at times can be communicating with each other, and other times just being together.

The harder we try to be 'superior' in some way, the less intimacy of friendship we will experience, but as we share our life and heart, purpose and they know we see them as the agenda of our time, the more we will experience their love and respect.

Be a good friend to those who are given to you and see your influence, and person grow.

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