Friday, 22 April 2011

Taking Your Authority Too Far

There are few things is this earth as powerful as spiritual authority.

As a mentor you function in an authority that gives you tremendous influence over those you mentor. It therefore has to be taken very seriously and as Jesus said it should be handled as someone who deems themselves a servants and last of all. Not as those who exercise authority and as those who lord it over others, especially those they lead, mentor and father.
I believe mentoring/fathering gives you a God-given authority in the life of those you mentor that has deep spiritual dimensions, especially if you are a 'spiritual' mentor. Now the abuse of this authority and influence through the vehicles of manipulation and control and intimidation, leave those in our care dis-empowered and traumatised.

They are constantly in the battle of their minds, trying to understand and get to grips with whether they are wrong or whether they are right.

An abuse of spiritual authority is in all reality witchcraft!

It very frequently and mostly goes hand in hand with a spirit of deception. The deception leaves those in your charge unable to discern what is actually is going on, and even when they do sense that something maybe 'wrong', they are too afraid and intimidated to make a decision because they are so dis-empowered that they think and believe that it has to be them that are wrong because they MUST submit.

Not many understand this level of control, unless you have been there yourself and escaped and found your God-given liberty and freedom by knowing and walking in the truth.

Abuse of any form, kind or fashion is evil and is a manifestation of witchcraft, even when found in the church. And they all have a spiritual dimension that forms a web in the mind and goes hand in hand with a spirit of deception.

But the control and abuse exercised by spiritual leaders and authorities, goes far deeper and leaves the victim by far more scarred and with effects that take longer to overcome. I believe this is because of the level of trust and intimacy of relationship that forms and takes place in this relationship.
At times it can be as bad as not trusting anyone or discussing anything with anyone because it may get shared with the 'leader'. To very extreme cases you will whisper to the closest person to you just in case it may overheard.

Does this sound extreme?

You will find yourself in a situation where you want to "get out" but cannot, because of fear - not a physical threat of life, but just an intimidation; a fear of displeasing, of doing it wrong, of missing the way, and of being rejected.
To those that have been there and experienced this, it is a very real and indescribable place. Unless someone has been there it is hard to explain and put in to words. Yet as a victim, you suffer the anguish of accusation by association, judgement, suspicion, criticism, and blame. You are placed in a'box' labeled, and viewed as 'damaged' goods.

Yet those have experienced and been traumatised by the abuse of spiritual and other authority, and survived will be so much more sensitive to the feelings of others, recognising the signs and outcomes of such illegitimate authority. Misunderstood, but certainly stronger.

Its a fine line to walk as a mentor/father. My challenge is always to those that have this privilege to walk circumspectly and soberly in the role God has given you as a mentor and father, whether to one or many. 

Err rather on the side of too little than too much!
Never, never violate the ability of the mentee to hear and obey the unction within their own heart.
Die to your own ideals, agendas, personal convictions and tendency to label the mentee.
Be unconditional in the relationship and the process of the mentoring.
Never, never take advantage of the relationship,  even if the opportunity is staring you in the face- your integrity is at stake!!
Repent of and avoid any form of control and manipulation at its slightest inclination in your life and leadership.

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