Monday, 17 December 2007
Monday, 26 November 2007
Many try and get through life without changing or letting anything change around them. They, basically, hate change. But change will come and many times be forced upon us. Nobody, I believe, enjoys change, but we do have to deal with it. Whether it is a change in career, change in location, change in family dynamics, change in economical enviroment, change in our financial situation, change in age, change in our bodies- everything changes. To try and maintain a status quo throughout your life is impossible. Change is guaranteed to stay!
What is required:
- Flexibilty
- Adaptability
- Endurability
- Character
- Vision
But just knowing we face change every day and preparing for it is one thing, but then we have to overcome our own insecurities and shortcomings. I have found that even when I do embrace the changes that are before me, still the whole frame of my character has to constantly be managed, in a sense, to deal with that change.
These changes we face, big or small, have to and will be pulled through all our 'filters' we have built around our insecurities. But we must face them at whatever cost we feel to our own souls, because it is only by facing, enduring and embracing change that we experience the growth, take advantage of the risk and overcome in this life.
In our own life, as a famly, we have had to embrace challenging change. Moving continents has been, at my age, quite a daunting experience. But God requires us to change in the light of His positioning us for destiny. Contrary to critics, I don't change for what I personally think is personal benefit, I look only for the change that the Lord requires of me, because that will be His perfect will for my life. Personally, I hate change, but have found that embracing it causes me to grow in character and in the elements required for future change.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
"Changes will begin to occur in the spirit realm before you ever see the physical manifestation. This will create a strange spiritual atmosphere that is unfamiliar and perhaps even disconcerting. But, I say to you that it is important that you maintain your equilibrium and poise of soul. Stay calm and trust Me in these times of transition. Let Me lead you through in perfect peace. You must also let go of things past before you can embrace what is ahead. Be fluid as you yield quickly to the pressure of the circumstances that move you in the flow of My will," says the Lord. Jeremiah 17:7- 8 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit."
Bill and Marsh BurnsFaith TabernacleEmail:
Friday, 12 October 2007
Imprisoned for 27 years and enduring the rigors of battling apartheid, Nelson Mandela was able to change the world as we know it. However, changing who he is was even more difficult. Most of us will never face the struggles that Nelson Mandela endured, but we all have our own habits, problems, and excuses.
Have you ever walked into your boss’s office on annual review and mumbled under your breath, “I hope I get a good pay raise?” If you have, chances are you weren’t shocked afterwards when you didn’t get it. The reason? You were leaving something as important as your income to chance. Instead, why not choose to get the pay raise that you deserve? Choose to be the most indispensable employee in your company. Choose to make yourself so valuable that your boss has no choice but to give you everything you deserve and more. As Nick Hall observes, only then will your destiny be determined.
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Where you are today, what you’ve accomplished in your life, and who you will become in the future is determined by one person…YOU! Once you grasp that concept, you take the first steps toward empowering yourself to become the person you’ve always longed to be. Many people today believe that other people, outside influences, and environment shape who you are. As a result, those people will never possess the inner confidence to improve themselves. Les Brown
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
How could struggle possibly help you?
There's an old legend about a little boy who was playing in the garden and found a caterpillar crawling in a nearby tree. He picked it up and took it inside to show his mother.The boy was so excited, that he asked his mother if he could keep his new "pet." The mother was a little perplexed, but said he could keep it if he took really good care of it.
The boy kept the caterpillar in a large jar. He gave it some leaves to eat and a few little sticks to climb. Each day he would bring more leaves and spent hours watching the caterpillar chow them down.
One day, the caterpillar climbed up one of the sticks and started hanging upside down from it. They boy was worried and asked his mother what was happening. The mother explained that the caterpillar was creating a cocoon and soon would change into a beautiful butterfly.The boy was excited to learn about all the changes that his caterpillar was going through.
Each day he would watch and wait for the butterfly to come out.One day, he noticed that a small hole appeared in the cocoon and the butterfly started to come out. But the hole was too small and it was a real struggle for the butterfly to fit through that tiny little hole.
Soon, the boy became concerned. His butterfly was struggling sohard and making so little progress. He worried that the butterfly would get stuck, give up, and die.The little boy was so worried, that he decided to help. He got asharp knife from the kitchen and used it to make the hole a littlebit bigger.
With his help, the butterfly quickly emerged from the cocoon with little struggle.However, the boy noticed that the butterfly was very swollen and had tiny shriveled wings. He waited and waited for the wings to expand so the butterfly could take off and fly, but it never happened.
The mother took the boy to a wise man from the village who explained that the hole in the cocoon was too small on purpose...the butterfly was supposed to struggle to come out of its cocoon.He said that all that struggle pushes the fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings.Without the struggle, the fluid was stuck in its body. Thebutterfly would spend the rest of its life with tiny, shriveled wings and would never be able to fly.
I have mixed feelings about this story because it makes it seem like struggle is necessary. Unlike butterflies emerging from their cocoons, I don't believe that people need to struggle in order tobe successful.In fact, most successful people take advantage of their strengths and talents to do things they are naturally good at and that come fairly easily to them. Often they are so good at them, that they make it seem effortless.
Does that mean they never struggle? Of course not!
But it does mean that they struggle a lot less than those who are not leveraging their natural talents and strengths.At the same time, struggle does have hidden benefits. It helps you learn, it helps you grow, and it develops persistence and flexibility.
It may sound like an old cliche, but struggle does build character.The key is to recognize the difference between positive struggle that challenges you and makes you stronger, and needless struggle that is keeping you trapped and leading you nowhere.
Whenever you face struggles or challenges, as most people always do, look at it as an opportunity to grow rather than just a waste of time.
Here are some practical tips to help you get the most from difficult experiences. You'll often find that changing yourperspective just a little bit is enough to turn things around.
1) Learning experience
It helps if you view every difficulty and failure as a potentiallearning experience, even if the ultimate lesson is that you needto start playing to your strengths and trying something else.
2) A difficult situation helps you grow
By problem solving and gaining new knowledge, you strengthen yourcharacter and expand your expertise.
3) Be positive
Just because you struggled doesn't mean that the outcome is alwaysnegative.Maintain a positive attitude throughout your situation. This helpsyou make good decisions and will also keep your stress levels undercontrol.
4) Become stronger
Use each new life experience to better equip yourself for whateverthe future holds.
5) Perspective
Sometimes, your ability to handle difficulties is all a matter ofperspective. Try to put your situation in perspective by comparingit to things you've gone through in the past.Sometimes, it also helps to think of a "worst case scenario".Realizing how things could have turned out much worse can quicklyshift your perspective.
6) Know when to let go
Constant struggle could be a sign that you are using a poor strategy to pursue your goals.
Take a step back and see if there is a better, easier, or simpler way to accomplish your objective.Don't keep banging your head against the wall!
Taking this a step further, sometimes you just need to let go of this particular outcome and open yourself up to other possibilities.This doesn't mean you need to give up on your ultimate goal, but it may mean that you need to find another way to get there.Sometimes it's better to find a way around an obstacle rather than trying to force your way through it.
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Friday, 17 August 2007
The Church... (Part 1)
Rom 8:15 For the Spirit that God has given you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to God, "Father! my Father!"
Rom 8:16 God's Spirit joins himself to our spirits to declare that we are God's children.
Rom 8:15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery that leads you into fear again. Instead, you have received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba! Father!"
Rom 8:16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.
It's important to see that we have received a "spirit of adoption". Not to an organisation but into the family of God. When God sent a Redeemer to purchase us from the bondage of Satan's kingdom and his tyranny, He didn't send a pastor or a prophet (although Jesus was all that) But He sent His Son. Why?
God was revealing that His heart is for 'family'. He doesn't just make 'Christians' or believers or even members of the 'church'., but He adopts sons and children into His FAMILY.
No, God purchased with the blood of Jesus, our adoption into the family of God. Adoption papers have been issued for ALL. The opposite to that, and that's where we ALL found ourselves in the past, was in a "spirit of bondage" or slavery,leading us to fear. You see we may not think that is our case before we get "saved", but everyone suffers from 'fear' of death In fact, all fear stems from fear of death and leaves all men in bondage. But God...
He redeems us, meaning, He purchases our adoption, with the blood of Jesus and makes it available to ALL men. The GOOD NEWS is that we we are adopted, ALL, EVERYONE, but some just have never heard about it.
Somehow the message has been conveyed that you are born-again to go to church. But there is so much more than that.... Well, in fact, rather, we are adopted to be members OF HIS FAMILY!
The word "bondage" or "slavery" means to be enslaved; which means: The state of being prevented from enjoying and possessing life freely; a state opposed to liberty. Jesus came and revealed not Himself only, but the revelation of the Heavenly Father. Time and time again He would refer to the Fathers will and that it was the Father who had sent Him. Why? Jesus was bringing a revelation of the Father and His family to the earth, not just some austere God out there, but a real father who loves us and relates to us. Who makes makes us part of His family regardless of the past. Satan's system of "death" kept us enslaved, in bondage, so we could not enjoy the free abundant life or liberty that the Father wanted us to have, but would all our lives be in fear.
But hey! The GOOD NEWS is we are adopted and part of His family. Paper work done, all you need to to do is accept it and receive your adoption as children of God.
Check this out:
Gal 4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,
Gal 4:5 in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as his children.
Gal 4:6 Now because you are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts to cry out, "Abba! Father!"
Gal 4:7 So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if you are a child, then you are also an heir through God.
God sent His Son- relational,
to redeem us- legally its been taken care of,
to be adopted- not as Christians but as children.
(Now don't go around saying Shaun doesn't believe we are 'Christians'. But consider this, that only once was 'the church' called Christians, and that wasn't by God! In fact, the term Born-again is also only used once by Jesus, to a religious leader, at night, away from the crowd of people. I do believe we are Christians and I do believe we need to be born-again [John3:3-8]. However, the real emphasis should be on the fact that you are adopted into the family. With rights as an heir.
Let's look at another scripture:
2Co 6:16 What agreement can a temple of God make with idols? For we are the temple of the living God, just as God said: "I will live and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people."
2Co 6:17 Therefore, "Get away from them and separate yourselves from them," declares the Lord, "and don't touch anything unclean. Then I will welcome you.
2Co 6:18 I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters," declares the Lord Almighty.
Did I read this right?
Did God just say that we would be...sons and daughters?His sons and daughters?
OK! Now we can see that church is not just an organisational structure made up of 'members', but a real family,made up of children, with God being our Father. Jesus prayed at one time "Our Father..."
He was revealing a family and that is why the Jewish leaders of the day were getting so mad at Him. I mean, how can this man call God His Father?
"Adoption" in Romans 8 means: to be placed in the position of a son.
As family we don't have to earn or 'work' to be accepted or to try and make ourselves 'good enough' to be part of the family. We had NOTHING to do with the adoption process, except to receive the benefit of being called His sons and daughters. Heavenly Father, doesn't just pay the legal price, but gives us the Spirit of His Son, the Spirit of adoption, so that with full assurance we too can cry out, with absolute certainty, FATHER, FATHER.....
So, today, Go to your Heavenly Father and settle with Him the fact that you ARE His child.Received, accepted, assured and identified. Just be!
My sons don't try and convince me that they are my sons, No they just know and act like it.
Next time we will look at some more of who we are as the 'church'.
[Hope this helps Cale: be blessed and GO FOR IT!]
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Eph 4:12 He did this to prepare all God's people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ.
Eph 4:13 And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ's full stature.
Eph 4:14 Then we shall no longer be children, carried by the waves and blown about by every shifting wind of the teaching of deceitful people, who lead others into error by the tricks they invent.
Eph 4:15 Instead, by speaking the truth in a spirit of love, we must grow up in every way to Christ, who is the head.
Eph 4:16 Under his control all the different parts of the body fit together, and the whole body is held together by every joint with which it is provided. So when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love. (highlights are mine) GNB Bible
The Lord gave all 5 gifts, to be gifts to the Body, to equip the Church(every member) for their works of service. Under His control, all the parts FIT together and held together by EVERY JOINT with which the body is provided.
When we recognise that all needs to be under the Lord's control, it is His church and His people. The 5fold ministry should all be contributing as the Lord has set them in place, to the equipping/perfecting of the church. But NOT controlling!
As the church is equipped by all these giftings the Lord has given, then and only then will the "works of service" and the "edifying of the body" take place.
Ministry will flow from the equipping of the saints.
Monday, 13 August 2007
Sunday, 12 August 2007
25 Signs You Are Leading from Your Dark Side
by Joseph Matterra
1. You inwardly celebrate when a colleague or fellow minister falls.
2. Your spirit of competition causes you to inwardly celebrate when other organizations or ministries in your field aren’t doing as well as you.
3. You are more concerned about your local church or organization than the good of the kingdom of God and cultural transformation.
4. You manipulate people to promote yourself and try to make things happen instead of allowing God to open doors and promote you.
5. You look for opportunities to backstab other leaders in your region or field of work.
6. You are driven to succeed to counter your insecurity, poor self-esteem and a sense of insignificance.
7. You thwart the emergence of other strong leaders in your organization.
8. You are closed-up relationally and have no open, transparent relationships in which you share your weaknesses and fears.9. You do not share power and work on your own in regards to major decisions that impact your organization or ministry.
10. You are shifty in relationships, taking sides with those you are presently with, then taking another point of view when with another person when there is a conflict or controversy.
11. You will sacrifice the future for the present in regards to debt financing and risk taking instead of leaving a legacy of financial sustainability.
12. You do not receive correction kindly but always get inwardly defensive.
13. You are constantly blaming others when things go wrong.
14. You constantly justify yourself instead of facing your failures.
15. You have no deep relationship with God and lead out of your flesh and soul life.
16. You don’t lead out of sound biblical principles unless it is convenient.
17. You view yourself more as a pragmatist than a principled person.
18. You are loyal to people only until you have used them to get to the next level.
19. You avoid confrontation and walking in the light according to Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 John 1:7.
20. You only care for those who care for you and serve your agenda.
21. Your greatest desire in life is to make a name for yourself.
22. The bottom line in regards to organizational effectiveness is more important to you than people.
23. You have a hard time forgiving those who offend you.
24. You carry resentment and baggage from the past that you refuse to let go.
25. You don’t walk in the peace of God but in the stress of the world.
Monday, 6 August 2007
Sunday, 5 August 2007
— Luanne Oakes, Ph.D: Author
You probably didn’t believe that quote, so I’ll restate it: "Time is within your control." In the information age in which we live, where business life and home life are a blur of activity, deadlines, pressure, and projects, it’s hard to believe that time is within your control. But it is. You can control what you think. You can control your attitude. And for the most part, you can control your time. However, if you’re not careful, procrastination can gobble up significant amounts of your time. When procrastination rears its ugly head, you lose all control of time.
His wife worried. She asked him, “What are you going to do?” But Wallace had been thinking, and he answered by saying, “I’m going to mortgage our home and go into the building business.
His first venture was the construction of two small buildings. Within five years, Wallace Johnson was a multi-millionaire. In an interview, he said, “Today, if I could locate the man who fired me I would sincerely thank him for what he did. At the time it happened, I didn't understand why I was fired. Later I saw that it was God's unerring and wondrous plan to get me into the ways of his choosing." The greatest thing that ever happened to him was to get fired.
Who knows what God might do through your problems and disappointments! If you’ve got problems, be happy. Don’t think of your problems as intruders. Welcome them as friends. God's purpose is much bigger than those problems. Don't doubt.
James 1:8 says that when you ask for wisdom, "… you must ask in sincere faith, without secret doubts." Don't doubt that God is working in your life. Don’t think he has abandoned you. He hasn’t – and he never will. Your problems aren’t a sign that God is mad at you – they’re a sign that he’s helping you to grow.
Since problems in life are inevitable, tackle them head on and use them to your advantage. Make it your goal to be in God's Hall of Faith. The people who make it into the Hall of Faith are those who endured incredible problems – pain, rejection, suffering – and maintained a Christ-like attitude despite it all. They are those who let the Lord work in their lives and grew as a result of it.
You're going to have problems. It's inevitable. There's no such thing as a problem-free life. But when a problem comes along you can be sure of two things:
1) The devil is trying to destroy you.
2) And God is trying to develop you.
Problems do not automatically make you a better person. Depending on your response, you can be better or bitter. You can rejoice, request, and relax or you can resent, rebel, and resist.
Which will you choose?
Until next time,
Rick Warren
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
- Lee Iacocca
"Success is not an accident, it is a skill. It is predictable,and it can be learned, and it can be learned by you, and it canbe learned by anyone."- Brian Tracy
"I do not think there is any other quality so essential tosuccess of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomesalmost everything, even nature."- John D. Rockefeller
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Do You Practice Sin in Your Life?
Do You Practice Sin in Your Life?
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. - Galatians 5:21
When I was young in the Lord and read the list in Galatians 5:19-21 of the works of the flesh, I was afterward afraid that I wouldn't be admitted into the Kingdom of God if I ever unintentionally slipped into one of these fleshly works. That's what I thought Paul meant when he said, "they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." I wondered, Would an occasional, unintentional act of the flesh keep me or someone else out of God's Kingdom? What does it mean when it says, "they which do such things"? If I fall into one of these vices once, does that mean it's all over for me? So when I first started to learn New Testament Greek, one of my top priorities was to study Galatians 5:21 to see exactly what the original Greek was saying. What I discovered brought great relief to my mind, and I believe it will bring assurance to your heart and mind as well. When Paul says, "They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God," he uses the word "do," from the Greek word prasso, which means to practice. Had he used the Greek word poieo, which means to do, it would have referred to an occasional act, but Paul carefully chose to use the word prasso, which conclusively communicates the idea of something that is done repeatedly or habitually. These are the actions of a person who has put these things into practice in his life, performing them as a matter of routine. These actions are his ritual, his norm, his pattern of life. Thus, the verse could be translated, "Those who put these things into practice in their lives and do these things routinely as a manner of lifestyle shall not inherit the Kingdom of God."
For a review, let's look quickly at the following list of the works of the flesh that are not to be routinely practiced or habitually performed:
- Adultery: The Greek word porneia describes any sexual relationship that occurs outside the sanctified boundaries of marriage. (See July 15.)
- Uncleanness: The Greek word for "uncleanness" refers to lewd or unclean thoughts that eventually produce lewd or unclean actions. It strongly suggests that these actions begin in the mind as unclean thoughts before they manifest as unclean deeds. (See July 15.)
- Lasciviousness: This word in the Greek text describes excess, but it primarily refers to the excessive consumption of food or wild, undisciplined living that is especially marked by unbridled sex. (See July 15.)
- Idolatry: The Greek word eidololatria depicts the worship of idols, or simply put, "idolatry." The act of idolatry transpires when an individual gives his complete, undivided attention, devotion, passion, love, or commitment to a person, project, or object other than God. When something other than God takes first place in a person's mind, he has entered, at least to a measure, into the sin of idolatry. (See July 16.)
- Witchcraft: The word "witchcraft" is from the Greek word pharmakeia, the Greek word for medicines or drugs that inhibit a person's personality or change his behavior. We would call these mind-altering drugs. The Greek word pharmakeia is where we get the words pharmaceutical drugs or the word pharmacy. This word was used in connection with sorcery, magic, or witchcraft. However, for our purposes in today's world, the word "witchcraft" describes the flesh's attempts to avoid being confronted and changed. (See July 16.)
- Hatred: The Greek word echthra pictures people who cannot get along with each other. They have deep issues with each other, holding resentments, grievances, complaints, and grudges that go way back in time and have very deep roots. Something occurred along the way that caused one or both of them to be offended. Instead of letting it go, they are divided, hostile, and fiercely opposed to each other. They are antagonistic, aggressive, and harsh. They hate each other. They have a grudge and are determined to hold on to their offense. (See July 17.)
- Variance: The Greek word eris depicts a bitterly mean spirit that is so consumed with its own self-interests and self-ambitions that it would rather split and divide than to admit it is wrong or to give an inch to an opponent! This is exactly why churches end up divided and families frequently dissolve. Most of the issues that bring such division are not that important. Nevertheless, division occurs because the flesh simply hates to surrender, to admit that it's wrong, to let someone else be right, or to compromise. Flesh would rather blow issues all out of proportion and wreak havoc than to let someone else have his way! (See July 17.)
- Emulations: The Greek word zelos is used in a negative sense to depict a person who is upset because someone else achieved more or received more; therefore, the first person is jealous, envious, resentful, and filled with ill will for that other person who received the blessing that he wanted. As a result of not getting what he desired, this first person is irritated, infuriated, irate, annoyed, provoked, and fuming that the other person did get it! In short, you could say that this person is really incensed and ticked off ! (See July 17.)
- Wrath: The Greek word thumos is used throughout the New Testament to picture a person who is literally boiling with anger about something. Although the person tries to restrain this anger by shoving it down deeper into his soul, it intermittently flares up. When that happens, this person is like a volcano that suddenly blows its top, scorching everything within its reach as it hurls its load of deadly molten lava onto the entire surrounding landscape! (See July 17.)
- Strife: The word eritheia describes a self- seeking ambition that is more concerned about itself and the fulfillment of its own wants, desires, and pleasures than it is in meeting the same needs in others. When eritheia is working in someone's life, it means that a person's principal concern is to take care of himself and to get what he wants. He is so bent on getting what he wants that he is willing to do anything, say anything, or sacrifice any standard, rule, or relationship to achieve his goals. Because this self-consumed, self-focused attitude is engrossed with its own desires and ambitions, it is blinded to the desires and ambitions of other people. (See July 18.)
- Seditions: The Greek word dichostasia means to stand apart, as one who rebels and steps away from someone to whom he should have been loyal. Thus, the word "sedition" gives the impression of disloyalty. It is the ultimate act of defiance or disloyalty to an established authority. (See July 18.)
- Heresies: The Greek word hairesis carries the idea of a group of people who adhere to the same doctrine or who ardently follow the same leader and are sectarian. The adherents of a sect are usually limited in their scope and closed to outsiders, staying primarily to themselves. In New Testament times, these groups were considered to be unauthorized because they were not submitted to the authority of the church leadership. In today's contemporary language, we would call them "cliques" - a group of people who believe or conduct themselves as if they are exclusive. (See July 18.)
- Envyings: The Greek word phthonos implies a deeply felt grudge because someone possesses what a person wishes was his own. Because this person has a chip on his shoulder, he begrudges what the other person possesses and is covetous of that person's belongings, accomplishments, relationships, or titles in life. Every time he sees that other person, he inwardly seethes about his success. He deeply resents that person's blessing and tries to figure out a way to seize it away from the person he envies in order to make it his own. (See July 19.)
- Drunkenness: The Greek word methe refers to strong drink or to drunkenness. The consumption of wine for the sake of intoxication was common in the first century due to many pagan religions that employed wine as a part of their religious practices. A drunken state suppresses the mind's ability to think correctly and releases the flesh to fully express itself. The believers in the first century were trying to walk free from the power of their flesh. The last thing they needed was to drink wine, inhibit their ability to think correctly, revive the flesh, and then do things that were sinful or damaging! This is why Paul urged them to leave the wine alone! (See July 19.)
- Revellings: The Greek word komoi describes a person who can't bear the thought of boredom and therefore constantly seeks forms of amusement or entertainment. This person is actually afraid of being bored, so he constantly contemplates what he can do next to have fun or to be entertained. The word komoi can refer to a person who endlessly eats at parties or who seeks constant laughter and hilarity. Although there is nothing wrong with laughter, this person is consumed with the need for comedy, light moments, fun, pleasure, entertainment, or constant eating. He lives for the next meal, the next restaurant, the next movie, the next vacation. (See July 19.)
And such like: Paul ends this list with this Greek phrase, which alerts us to the fact that this list of the works of the flesh is not comprehensive; it is just the beginning of the works of the flesh! Many more examples of works of the flesh could be added to this list, but Paul uses these as examples of how the flesh behaves, ending the list once he has sufficiently made the point to his readers.
Remember, when Paul wrote, "They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God," he used a Greek tense that categorically means he is talking about those who perform these things as a manner of lifestyle or who are habitually controlled by fleshly thoughts or deeds. To such people, the works of the flesh are their ritual, their norm, their pattern of life. So I must ask you: Do you routinely commit adultery?
Do you routinely live in fornication? Do you routinely allow yourself to think unclean thoughts? Do you routinely overindulge in sexual sins or gluttony? Do you routinely give your heart and devotion in idolatry to other things besides Jesus? Do you routinely run from the truth, like those who participated in witchcraft?
Do you routinely allow hatred to thrive inside your heart and soul? Do you routinely exhibit a bitterly mean spirit that is consumed with its own self-interests? Do you routinely permit yourself to be jealous, resentful, and envious of what others possess? Do you routinely lose your temper, fly into a rage, and give way to destructive outbursts? Are you routinely so self-consumed that you are blinded to the desires or needs of others? Do you routinely rebel and live in defiance to authorities or show yourself to be disloyal? Do you routinely act as if you and your exclusive "clique" are superior to other people? Do you routinely begrudge other people's belongings, accomplishments, relationships, or titles in life? Do you routinely and deliberately allow your flesh to freely follow its temptations? Do you routinely live for the next moment of fleshly pleasure?
If you routinely do these things, you need to be very concerned about whether or not you are genuinely a child of God. As you will see in tomorrow's Sparkling Gem, it is impossible for a real believer to continue habitually in sin. If these works of the flesh are the norm, the pattern, the routine of a person's life, it may be an indication that he was never born again - thus providing the reason he will not inherit the Kingdom of God. If you occasionally struggle with sin, then go to God and allow Him to show you how He sees your sin. Get a revelation of what sin is - how grievous it is to the heart of God and how damaging it is to your own soul. Then ask Him to forgive you and to cleanse you - and He will! But if you routinely do many of these things as a manner of lifestyle, I believe you need to go to God and ask Him to tell you the truth about your spiritual status! You cannot afford to make a mistake about this eternal question!
Lord, I thank You for saving me by the power of God. Help me put aside the works of the flesh once and for all. Please teach me to walk in the Spirit. I know that You have designed a powerful life for me, and I want to enter into that life in all its fullness. My hearts desire is to know You better and to walk with You, so today I am asking that Your Spirit propel me forward into this newer and higher way of living!
I pray this in Jesus name!
Byproducts of discovering your greatness
1. Optimum job fit. This is the place where we get the greatest amount of result from the least amount of effort. Our swing is so comfortable that sometimes it creates no sense of stress or tension at all. It is the overlap between our internal motivated wirings and the critical requirements of a job ? regardless of what it might be. While there is no perfect job where 100% of the requirements and our wiring overlap, some jobs fit better than others.
2. Immunity against boredom and burnout. Boredom is when we find ourselves having too much internally wired skill left over at the end of the day. When a job doesn?t call us to use our whole skill set, we begin to dream of new adventures, whether hobbies or professions. This begins to absorb the efforts that could be placed into our job. The other unintended consequence of a lack of greatness is burnout. Burnout is when we are asked to do many things in a job, but we possess no internal wiring, motivation or skills to perform the task. Certainly, every job has its ?taking out the trash? elements. However, if someone employed as an accountant doesn?t have the wiring to work with numbers or focus on a single assignment, it is easy to see the burnout he might have during the month of April.
3. Job settledness. Many people live life with the theory that the grass is always greener on the other side. They are constantly peering over the fence post, dreaming and wishing for a job other than the one they have. While at times it may be okay to hope for bigger and better things, most of the time it simply results in job restlessness. By finding your greatness, you end up settling into a job that fits.
4. Confidence and self assurance. Make no doubt about it, we hold our head higher?we work with a firmer step?we have a twinkle in our eye when we are in the process of greatness. An individual who has never discovered his greatness will always struggle with a lack of confidence and low self assurance.
5. Courage to make tough decisions. When you are in your zone, it is easier to make the hard calls. You possess a sense of relaxed subtleness about the impact a hard decision might have on others. You keep an eye toward the future and hold a certain awareness that things will be okay.
6. Best sustainable results. Anyone can create results one time. The question is, can you repeat and sustain those results? Best sustainable results will always pour forth from someone who has discovered his greatness.
7. Intrinsic passion, perseverance and creativity. A person who has discovered his greatness is fueled from the inside out. He has a power pack attached to his soul that drives him out of the everyday routine to truly participate in life.
Friday, 20 July 2007
We had some awesome meetings in Gap Pennsylvania with Bishop Ashley and then on to Vermont for an apostolic conference with Martijn and I and some others from the 'house' came up for a few meetings with powerful prophetic worship and ministry to those in attendance. We ended up staying a week and a half longer to do more meetings with Martijn and then back to PA for a Sunday and a Frontliners 'vision' meeting.
All round, the flow of revelation and the Lord's confirming presence attested that we are moving with the Spirit.
This past week was our breakthrough first meeting in Jacksonville. We ministered at our friends, Errol and Debbie's, church who are from SA and have been here for about 9 years now.
Since then I have met a wonderful "market place" apostle who has opened up so many new relationships for us, including in the market place which really is exciting. Suddenly, our program looks very busy. Next month we are doing our first apostolic encampment, in Vermont. That is, before it starts getting too cold again. We have made many wonderful friends there and always look forward to going back. This time, however, Michelle is going with to do a "Wholeness to Intimacy" seminar with the ladies there. So, we are trusting for a work of the Spirit for them there.
Summer cannot believe how long they are, especially for parents. Jonathan and Wesley have gone for this past week to a youth summer camp, and we are still to hear how it went.
I would like to encourage you to not let the enemy of "Small Thinking" keep you limited and limiting the Almighty to see your purpose and destiny and life fulfilled. "Almighty" in the Hebrew means the "Sufficient One". He is sufficient to take you beyond all you have ever imagined. But some of you have even stopped doing that. IMAGINE. Time to dream!
Just listen for the direction and prompting of the Spirit to your life. Let Him initiate His work. Let Him finish His work and let Him DO the work, so He can get all the glory.
From all of us here in Jax
Be very blessed and powerful
Shaun, Michelle, Jonathan, Wesley and Jesse.
Your Kingdom Come
It's the norm today for there to be talk of the necessity of the Kingdom of God coming and being established by us in the earth. There are many who are considering what that means to the 'church' and the nations; Considerations of how we must do this and why 'they' don't receive it.
"Kingdom" simply means the "rule" and "demand" of the King.His dominion and authority.
When I consider that WE are the church, that has to be the first place that this Kingdom has its domain, then I realise that my first question needs to be:
How much RULE and AUTHORITY does the King have in my life?
What areas are still outstanding?
Where does the King NOT have dominion in ME?
Our first priority should be to see the Kings Dominion being established in my life.
Do I allow myself to be convinced and persuaded to LIVE accordingly?
Or, do I live under His control most of the time, but reserve a certain elements for my own throne?...
How easily we can "preach" the message, but have not researched the establishment of kingdom elements in my own life. Now, I by no means, am advocating a self-centered, deep depressing, analytical, condemning, nit-picking assessment, of my deepest emotions and life. No, we do have to understand our dependence needs to be on the power of the precious Holy Spirit who will lovingly reveal through the Word, through others, the areas that need to be captivated and brought into submission to the might of the KING and His rule. We are the land He has purchased and we are the land where He wants His kingdom, foremostly, to be established. But, bring His rule and dominion we must, to this land. Today, begin to allow the King to conquer enemies and territories for His will and purpose.
Heb 13:20
God has raised from death our Lord Jesus, who is the Great Shepherd of the sheep as the result of his blood, by which the eternal covenant is sealed. May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need in order to do his will, and may he, through Jesus Christ, do in us what pleases him. And to Christ be the glory forever and ever! Amen.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Conform or Transform
Business Plan Outline
Business Plan Outline
1. Summary Business/ministry concept, current situation, key success factors, financial situation/needs. Write this last. Assume some people will only read one page. So, on one page summarize the following sections.
2. Vision :What's the purpose and product of your endeavor. Why is it unique, compelling, valuable, and needed? Who will be attracted to it?
3. Marketing Plan :Who will be interested in your product or service? How will you let them know what you have? What is the value or price you will ask? What's the total demand? Who are your competitors? Why will you prevail in an open market? How is the industry changing? Will your competitive advantages remain in the future? What are the threats to and risks of this venture? How will you respond to them?
5. Marketing and sales :How will you promote or market your product. What is your sales strategy or advertising scheme?
6. Operations: Who will manage the work and make the decisions? What are their qualifications? Who are the key personnel? What work will they do? How will you motivate them to share your dream and work with you? How will you train and compensate them? What facilities, services, and infrastructure will be required?
7. Financial Plan :What is your current financial condition? How will your family and business be supported? Will you need a loan? How will you transition from your current job or circumstance through the start-up phase?
Include two items:
-Personal financial statement- simply a one-page summary of all your assets and liabilities, summarizing your financial net worth at the bottom.
-Cash flow statement- estimate all the monthly income and expenses related to your business or personal expenses for at least 12 months (or through your start-up phase, if longer).
Note: Consider making a financial plan from your personal budget and spending a few hundred dollars to get the accountant who does your taxes to formalize them for you. Treat your life and finances as a business, it really is the talent that God gave you and expects you to multiply.
Creativity & Leadership
Friday, 13 July 2007
Thursday, 14 June 2007
The Big Picture
- The first step to developing a meaningful strategy for your success (personal,department,or company) is to create your ideal future in such detail that all of your senses can experience it, right now.
- The passion is important, so until you have the answers to these questions you have no foundation for your strategy and, without a foundation, you will never have a strategy worth pursuing or the energy to make it a reality.
- Unless you have what it takes to make your dream a reality, you have nothing, and if you are incapable of developing a dream worth the effort, you might just as well drift and let the world give you as much or as little as chance dictates.
Exodus 32:29
Presenting myself to God implies a recognition that from now on I am altogether His. This giving of myself is a definite act, just as definite as believing in Jesus Christ. There must be a day in my life when I pass out of my own hands into His, and from that day forward I belong to Him and no longer to myself. That does not mean that I consecrate myself to be a preacher or a missionary. Many people are missionaries merely because they they have consecrated their own natural gifts to His work. But that is not true consecration. Then to what are we to be consecrated? Not to "Christian work", but to the will of God, to be and do whatever He requires. (W.N)
Blessings Shaun
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Change has been defined as…
"Change is the window through which the future enters your life." It's all around you, in many types and shapes. You can bring it about yourself or it can come in ways that give you little choice about its what, when, and how. Fighting against change can slow it down or divert it, but it won't stop it however. If you wish to succeed in this rapidly changing new world "you must learn to look on change as a friend - one who presents you with an opportunity for growth and improvement."
We all face change because of what we face in life.
Our careers change; business has to change to keep up with globalization trends; families change because children are born and grow up; we change due to the experience and journey of life.
But, sometimes we want to change, and need to change for our journey of life to be successful, for us to achieve our dreams or for our lives to experience the fulfillment we desire. In fact, it will be inevitable.
So, what are the ingredients for change:
A high degree of dissatisfaction with your present situation(-s) or condition(-s).
A need for a clear vision.
A defined plan.
We cannot change everything about our present situation all at once, but we can begin with the areas we are most dissatisfied with. Selecting specific areas we wish to target for change helps us focus our efforts for improvement. Without a high degree of dissatisfaction we tend to settle for status quo and usually do not see the necessity for change.
Vision, a clear future picture for certain areas of our lives, is the motivating force that drives the desire for change. A clear-cut vision is a definite to accomplish a high rate of change. Many only have a fragmented idea of their future which cannot sustain change.
A defined action-oriented plan is vital to achieve the vision and address the areas of dissatisfaction or the rate of change will be limited.
These elements need to be understood to understand the process of change and to measure the likely rate of change. If any of these elements are not present, no change will occur.
Without having high levels of dissatisfaction, vision and planning, the barriers and perceived pain of change cannot be overcome and therefore desired success or fulfillment will not be attained.
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
New Season, A New Land
The Israelites were on a journey to the promised Land., the land promised to Abraham for his descendants to inherit. The had been delivered out of the tyrannus hand of the most powerful king and nation in the known world-Egypt. They were brought to the brink of the Promised Land years before and had shown by their unbelief and rebelliousness that they couldn't inherit it. So, for 40 years, the Lord Jehovah leads them through the wilderness and reveals His nature and character to them.
As they are about to enter the Promised Land, Moses now unveils the intention of the past season and reveals the intention of God for their new season.
Deu 8:2 Remember how the LORD your God led you on this long journey through the desert these past forty years, sending hardships to test you, so that he might know what you intended to do and whether you would obey his commands.
Deu 8:3 He made you go hungry, and then he gave you manna to eat, food that you and your ancestors had never eaten before. He did this to teach you that you must not depend on bread alone to sustain you, but on everything that the LORD says.
Deu 8:4 During these forty years your clothes have not worn out, nor have your feet swollen up.
In their old season that they were now about to leave behind, God had revealed Himself as God sufficient for every need. Just enough!
When they needed meat, He sent quail. When they needed water, He brought it out of the rock. When they needed bread, He sent manna. When they needed protection, He sent the cloud. And each time it was just enough for the day, time and need.
The wilderness was the land of "just enough" with miracles coming from the heart of God. Clothes didn't wear out and shoes grew with their feet. Sustained in every area, but "just enough".
Deu 8:7 The LORD your God is bringing you into a fertile land---a land that has rivers and springs, and underground streams gushing out into the valleys and hills;
Deu 8:8 a land that produces wheat and barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and honey.
Deu 8:9 There you will never go hungry or ever be in need.
Deu 8:11 "Make certain that you do not forget the LORD your God; do not fail to obey any of his laws that I am giving you today.
Deu 8:12 When you have all you want to eat and have built good houses to live in
Deu 8:13 and when your cattle and sheep, your silver and gold, and all your other possessions have increased,
Deu 8:14 be sure that you do not become proud and forget the LORD your God who rescued you from Egypt, where you were slaves.
Deu 8:15 He led you through that vast and terrifying desert where there were poisonous snakes and scorpions. In that dry and waterless land he made water flow out of solid rock for you.
Deu 8:16 In the desert he gave you manna to eat, food that your ancestors had never eaten. He sent hardships on you to test you, so that in the end he could bless you with good things.
Deu 8:17 So then, you must never think that you have made yourselves wealthy by your own power and strength.
Deu 8:18 Remember that it is the LORD your God who gives you the power to become rich. He does this because he is still faithful today to the covenant that he made with your ancestors.
But now, as they are about to enter the land He had promised them,the Lord unveils what His heart and desire is for them. More than enough!
Bread without scarcity. No lack. Increase of business, silver and gold and possessions and power to become rich. It required a whole new state of thinking. He had taught them in the old season to know that its not their power or might or great strength that gets them this "more than enough" land, but to trust Him and His word -that is what sustains them.
The New Season is about a GOOD land, a FRUITFUL land that the Lord is bringing us into. But, if we do not change our thinking we could end up not possessing it, enjoying it or knowing the Lord of the "more than enough" in it. Our "just enough" thinking will keep us in "lack land", "the land of"just enough".
God's nature of abundance and increase is revealed in His Promised Land-the New Season.
We fight at times to keep the old state of affairs, simply because we refuse to change our thinking. "We can't afford!", "We never have enough!", "We are never going to be able to...!".
And so it goes, our mouths speaking out of the abundance of our thinking. In Ephesians Paul says we should be changed or renewed in the attitude and processes of our thinking, putting off the OLD and putting on the NEW.
We need a whole new mentality for this new land, that we may grasp the "Lord's will be done and kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven".
Dwell in the promise of the Lord for the new land. Spend time in it that you may see and enjoy this GOOD land (season) He is bringing us into.
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Benjamin Franklin
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Why a Personal Coach
- Evaluate and establish needs, values, and beliefs;
- Set goals that help you move forward in life;
- Focusing on what is important to you;
- Helping you establish what you want to achieve with your life, by guidance in forming precise and defined goals;
- Help work through issues you face;
- Unveil and understand the possible causes igniting them;
- Develop and implement a plan to deal with them;
- Embark on a journey that helps you get from where you are right now to where you want to be in the future;
- Help you overcome the obstacles on the path to the future;
- Journey with and monitor progress on a process toward your goals, making their acomplishment a lifestyle;
- Assist you in understanding, analysing and identifying solutions to the obstacles you encounter;
- Taking you on a path of success and fulfillment.
Contact me for a discussion concerning your specific areas:
Skype: shaun.smit
or Email:
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
A Door of Opportunity
1 Cor16:9 "For a great and effective door has opened to me,..."
Acts 14:27 "Now when they had come and gathered the church together,they reported all that God had done with them, and that He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles."
We can see a number of relevant points from these scriptures regarding the ministry of Paul:
- The Lord opens doors of opportunity;
- When the Lord opens an opportunity, it is solid, sure, success-creating, promoting and honoring and significant;
- God will give the breakthrough for us to do what we have been commanded and called to do.
Its important that we realise that it's not just for 'ministry', but that we should trust the Lord to always give us the breakthrough opportunity into that which we believe He has called us. Of course, what we need to know and seek Him for is: 'What has He called and purposed me to do.' Paul knew that the Lord had called them to bring the message of faith to the Gentiles (those outside the covenant of Israel). It was there in Antioch that the Lord opens a door for them to begin. Doors, of course, imply an entering in, a going through.The Lord opens the opportunity and we need to step through. We trust God for the divine moment of God-given opportunity to fulfill what we are destined for; we stay close to the Lord in obedience and faith and then take the step of bold faith to 'move' in that direction. Be strong and of good courage, God told Joshua concerning the 'door' He was giving the nation of Israel. Acts 13: 46 "Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said,...behold we turn to the Gentiles." Today, know that and trust God that He WILL open a door of opportunity for YOU. Begin to confess: "My door of opportunity from the Lord is being opened for me. I have divine opportunity coming my way to do what the Lord has called me to do. My opportunity is significant and will launch me into my God-given purpose and destiny. I am stepping into my breakthrough by faith. I will boldly enter my God-given door of opportunity. Right now, divine opportunities are coming my way. " Those to whom Paul and his team were ministering, refused to receive them and in fact opposed them with contradiction, using vile words to hurt their reputation. BUT GOD....gave the breakthrough! You may feel that you are on a 'go-nowhere road where all you get is opposition and experiencing contradiction in everything you attempt to the point all you can hear in your head is "you are worth nothing;you will never amount to anything". Time to trust God for the breakthrough and a significant door of opportunity! He has one for you.
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Every time we choose to do less than we possibly can, we limit our possibilities; we stifle our potential. You can alter your life by doing a little more each day to work smarter, by developing a habit of efficiency rather than the habit of activity.
Saturday, 5 May 2007
- Do not forsake it - it will preserve you.
- Love it - it will keep you.
- Exalt it - it will promote you.
- Embrace it - it will bring you honor;give an ornament for your head;deliver a crown of glory to you.
- Hear instruction
- Give attention to know understanding
- Do not forsake the Word of God
- Let your heart retain His Words
- Keep His commands
- Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of His mouth.
Proverbs 4:1-9
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Saw this today by Watchman Nee:
Revelation 19
Hallelujah! 1After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God...
This the first Halleluja in the book of Revelation, is provoked by the downfall of a city which is again and again described as "great". Why does heaven so exult at the overthrow of Babylon? Because Babylon embodies the spirit of empty show and pretence.
Israel's first recorded sin after entering Canaan was the taking of a Babylonish garment. Achan coveted Babylon's grand style: he wanted to look good. And the first sin recorded in the early church was similar; an attempt on the part of Ananias and his wife Saphira to win man's esteem by appearing more self-sacrificing than they in fact were. They too wanted to look good.
How readily in the churches today do we put on an act to impress others and establish for ourselves a place of repute and acclaim!
This is the principle of Babylon the whore, and it is abominable to God.
Monday, 30 April 2007
Friday, 27 April 2007
Abide Today!
"If you Live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you." AMPL BIBLE
The truth that is alive in your heart is the truth you act on every day.
Truth comes alive in you when you
- Think about it
- Meditate on it
- Apply it to your life
Abiding is the result of spending so much time in the Word of God and in His presence that His truth governs your actions without even a conscious thought.
Be consistent in the Word day after day, until it becomes engrafted in your heart.
Keep yourself full of the Word. Every minute you invest in the Word of God will yield a harvest - some 30, some 60, and some a hundred fold return. Mark 4:20,24
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
The Life I Live and the Choices I Make
God gave each of us the independent ability to make them ourselves. No one can ultimately make them for us. We have the sovereign power of choice in our lives.
You chose to eat or not to; you choose to be kind or not to; you choose to be excellent at what you do or to just drift along; you choose to quit or to get up again. You decide if it’s wrong or right; if you can trust or not; to love or not; to serve God or not; to accept Jesus or not; to educate or not; to invest or not; to follow your destiny or stay safe.
Everyday we are faced with these and myriads of decisions and choices. Some are hard, complicated and, can be, stressful. Others again are mundane, tedious, irritating and seemingly unnecessary.
Our typical response is, many times to avoid or to let them pass by and let others take the responsibility for making them-or so we think. Ultimately, the decisions we make have effects and the choices we make have consequences, whether we make them or allow others to make them for us.
What is required to make decisions and choices of quality?
1. We must have a ‘guidance system’ within us. A GPS that sets the course and direction of our hearts for quality and right and justice and mercy etc. this guidance system will be your value system, your directional guide. King Solomon said that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. That is where, in our innermost being, we have a sense of the umpire or referee that decides and chooses for us by peace or disturbance. Our value system, or directional guidance system, when based on the Bible, the Word of God, would not allow us to steal or fraud from others. It would guide us to walking in love or to give rather than to withhold when in my power to give.
2. The self-discipline of making the decisions required in any given circumstance. Someone said that the only discipline that lasts is self-discipline. Force yourself to think through every problem or choice facing you. At first it may require tremendous discipline, but in time the skill will be acquired to apply the same in easy and difficult situations. Never leave to others what you know is required of you. Never avoid a decision. Every decision and choice requires a commitment. They never go away. If you don’t take the responsibility, someone else will or something else will.
3.Learn the skill of doing research. Opportunities, good and bad face us every day and many times we are not sure of which way it could go. What the consequences could be. But learning to research and evaluate every opportunity and choice facing you will help you weigh in your own heart the pros and con’s of your decision.
4. Make a decision, settle it with finality and live with consequences. Many today are plagued with the stress of making so many decisions, but many times it is simply a matter of making a firm, single-minded decision. Once we have done all the research we can, decided this choice requires a decision on my behalf ( I cannot delegate it) and have a knowing of what I feel is the ‘right’ thing to do, then proceed with all haste. Make it firm. Don’t compromise. Don’t hesitate. Be confident in your ability to ‘take charge’ of your life. Whatever happens, happens but you have a sense of confidence that based upon your own experience and ability, you have made the right choice.
There is wisdom that has to be applied in many areas of our lives, but that’s another topic. For now moving forward in our lives with confident decisions is a sure way to eliminate stress and live expectantly-that something GOOD can happen to you.
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
What is your worth?
"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?"
This tells me 2 things:
1. When we know that God is in us and with us, then why do we stress about natural needs and difficulties? The God of the universe has taken up residence in you, you do not need to fear-Praise God! He pays His way. And we know that greater is He that is in us, than He that is in the world. (1 Jhn 4:4)
But what we need is to know this. Remind yourself often, that God the Holy Spirit, is in you and will never leave you, nor forsake you.
2. We carry within this weak, earthen vessel of our bodies the Living Spirit of God, therefore we should walk tenderly and sensitively through our journey of life. He is the wonderful comforter, third person of the God-head. He leads and guides us, makes Jesus real to us. We should therefore give Him the recognition and acknowledgement He deserves. We should be aware of our actions and words every day knowing He dwells within us.
Saturday, 21 April 2007
A Heavenly Ministry
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
And will share an inheritance among the brothers.
Prov 17:2
What does a "son" do that causes shame?
1. Prov 10:5 says that he sleeps in harvest.
He is not diligent to make the most of favourable times, when he should be making the most of his opportunities, whatever they may be, he rather chooses to 'shut down'. Never neglect the opportunities that are afforded you. Be wise.
2. Prov 19:26 says he "mistreats" his father and "chases away" his mother.
Mistreat-It means to ill-treat, mishandle, abuse, ill-use, ill-treat.
God puts great emphasis on the place, authority and respect of fathers. Its not always how perfect or wonderful he is, but purely the fact that he is 'father'. Never let your father (natural, spiritual or mentor) ever lose his place in your life. Mistreat really is the 'way' you handle him, the 'way' you approach him and your attitude toward him.
To "chase away" implies a driving away through intimidation or force.
Mothers are the bond of the family, the atmosphere creators, the tender part of the family, the affection and nest-er. It would mean to despise her that sets the moral tone of the home and your life. To despise her would be to despise your own moral values.
King Solomon stated that a wise bond slave would rule over ( have dominion, govern and reign over) a son who causes shame. Even though the son is the rightful heir to the all, but now he positions himself in a place where the wise govern him.
However, a wise servant...
A primitive root; to be (causeatively make or act) circumspect and hence intelligent: - consider, expert, instruct, prosper, (deal) prudent (-ly), (give) skill (-ful), have good success, teach, (have, make to) understand (-ing), wisdom, (be, behave self, consider, make) wise (-ly), guide wittingly.)
...will take his place and find himself in a place of dominion and rulership and goverment.
You see wisdom is :
- being circumspect
- being considerate
- being expert
- instructed
- prosperous
- prudent
- skillful
- successful
- taught
- and understanding
Even a wise servant-bond slave-who acts wisely, even though he doesn't have a natural place in the inheritance of the son, will take a place in that inheritance because of his wisdom.
...And will share an inheritance among the bothers.
Watch you don't lose what could be yours because you don't handle 'mom' and 'dad' properly.
And be wise, regardles of whether you think you deserve it or not, it will bring into rulership and dominion
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Saturday, 7 April 2007
Monday, 19 March 2007
25 Years of Bliss...
Having married young we had time to grow together through the various stages of our development as individuals on a path of destiny.
So, what does it take to arrive 25 years down the line with your marraige intact, 3 amazing children and still vibrant enough to pursue dreams and visions together as a team?
Besides, our unshakeable faith in Christ and His promises in His Word-without Him and His Word being the final authority for your marraige, life, finances and everything else you have no foundation for anything in your life- and a uncompromised decision to never even entertain the thought of failure ie. divorce, ever; there is the simple principle of ...COMPANIONSHIP!
When your hot passions for one another seem to leave out the back door because of pressure and stress and "gravity" seems to take over and disfigure that gorgeous body of yours, so that you don't feel as attractive as you did before, what then? Well then, we are great friends.
If your wife is not your best friend difficult times will reveal it.
King Solomon said that:
a man who has friends(a lover) must show himself friendly;
that a lover loves (to have affection for [sexually or otherwise])at all(all,any and every) times(continually);
faithful are the wounds(-dings) of a friend;
that as ointment and perfume rejoice the heart:so does the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel;
don't relinquish, refuse, fail or forsake your friend;
as iron sharpens iron so a friend sharpens the countence of each other.
A friend is someone you can spend time with, not say a word and still feel comfortable. True friends will be found standing with you in your good times as well your bad. It needs no support other than the fact that there is a deep committment to the relationship and to each other. Friends seem to complement each other, so that the strengths of one support the weaknesses of the other.
When your children leave home, or the world seems to abandon you, or you just need to be understood, a friend, your friend, the friendship that you have invested in above all other human friendships, is the one that will be there for you.
Many couples get to their mid-life and discover that their spouse is not their best friend and intimate partner. But when from early, from today, you make it a priority to be a friend, you will discover that friendship still has great rewards.
Let your spouse be you friend.
Here's praying that there will be many whole, Godly, intimate marraige friendships around the world.
Friday, 16 March 2007
Thursday, 15 March 2007
A Mission Statement
A mission statement should take into account values that define you and how you express that value from day-to-day.
From those choose the top 3 ranked in order.
Then lay out 5 goals based on those top 3 actions, for the next year.
Include a financial goal for the year as well.
Now write that out in 1 or 2 sentences.
That is your mission statement.
God wants us to be good stewards of our time and resources. By defining your next year with a m.s. you will be able to focus your time on that which matters the most ie. you begin to set priorities for your time and resources. This keeps you focused when there is a temptation to get side-tracked or distracted.
So many things compete for our time that oftentimes we can find ourselves caught up in a web of busy-ness that just is full of 'things' to keep us away from accomplishing what we dream about. This breeds fustration and stress.
And King Solomon said,"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression,.." Proverbs 12:25
A mission statement will keep you focused on what is important to you.
Be Strong!