Saturday 30 August 2008

A Force Of The Inner Man

There are powerful forces flowing from our inner man that affect our lives and of those around us. King Solomon said we should guard our hearts for out of it flow the forces of life. Although these forces 'feel' like strong emotions, they are in fact not emotions, but spiritual drivers that are revealed in our emotional states.

Of these, one that seems to be a constant among us, but also its opposite - forgiveness. Forgiveness is the powerful force we have to release the past of its hurts, violations, scrapes and bruises. Its the God-given ability of the inner man, to begin every day with a fresh approach to our future and not have have any dibilitating hindrances that keep us 'bound' by the chains of the past.

As powerful as the force of forgiveness is, so is the force of UNforgiveness. Unforgiveness, the strong force driven by holding to deep hurts, motivated by perceived injustices, feuled by misunderstandings, maintained by resentment and revenge and boiling anger.

Forgiveness, brings with it a healing as it releases, those that have been the perpetrators of the hurts or perceived hurts. Bearing in mind that, not all disappointment, offense and violations of our lives is on purpose, but comes as our perceived injustice to our lives, because it comes in violation of the way we want smething to be.

However, there are times when unrighteous injustice is inflicted upon us and abuse of our person and life takes place. That is when we have this powerful force of forgiveness. You see, the force of forgiveness is not only to release others who have have harmed us, but mostly, it is for us to experience the healing and tranquility of our inner man, through release of the guilty and the harm they have done.

Unforgiveness, on the hand, destroys our lives. It is a negative force, that in time, affets our mental and physical health, and not to speak of the disturbance it is to our inner man, our spirit. I would venture to say that, many are suffering physical ailments today, because the could not relinquish hurts and injustices of the past. It seems this force controls many in a very negative way, being a very negative force.

Unforgiveness is still operating, even when we say we have forgiven, but will not forget. To forgive is to release everything, and if we have, then we cannot and should not keep resurrecting the past, to our, and others detriment.

Forgiveness, means we treat the person as if nothing ever happened. An unforgiving force, however, will be revengeful and punitive, inflicting punishment through whatever justified means we can conjure up while looking innocent.
Do you punish by not speaking to the person, or maybe speaking about them to create a negative perception of their character?
Do you take revenge by withholding yourself from them in friendship, in fellowship?
It gets worse when we begin to insinuate, critisize, slate, accuse, become sarcastic, and then justify our stand.
All the while, though, we are beginning to, slowly at first, hinder and then, stop the life-giving forces of the inner man, that bring health and wellness to our lives and to others around us.

While holding to unforgiveness you cannot reach your full potential, in fact you will reverse your potential.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

It's Fun to Know

It's Fun to Know: Fruity Gifts

Would you pay $2,000 for a honeydew melon? How about $900 for a bunch of grapes? In Japan, these incredibly high prices are not uncommon. But we're not talking about your run-of-the-mill grocery store produce. These fruits have been painstakingly cultivated to be the most ideal specimens possible.

The Japanese don't buy these perfect, pricey fruits to eat them. They are extremely popular as gifts. It has to do with the ancient Japanese tradition of giving away the very best instead of keeping it for yourself.

(Source: Associated Press, Daily Express)

How To Make A Good Investment

What seemingly insignificant thing do you have in your hand today?

That which you have in hand, could be the key to transform a life, could be the seed of a brand new beginning for your life, may open an opportunity that goes beyond what you could dream about.
Often times, we allow our dreams, our visions of something significant taking place through us, to fade into the a state of wishful desire, lost in the daily pressing for the mundane.

What can I do?
Well, what is that in your hand today?
A small idea; a hand shake; a passion; a desire; a dream.
Sow it today. Begin to give it.
What is that in your hand Moses? A stick! Stretch it out and defeat the world's most powerful army!

You never know what lays before you, what lays beyond the next challenge, around the next corner. But if you do not 'sow' what you have in your hand, if you do not 'stretch it out', you may never know. Exercise diligence and plan what it is you can begin to do today that can carry you toward that God-given destiny written in your life.

The Chinese proverb says: A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Look at your skills, look at your desires, passions, abilities, resources and begin today. It may begin with writing out what it is, what you have in your hand, in your heart. Writing out a plan, steps you can take today to move you in the right direction, could be the first, and probably is, the step you can take to realizing a transformation of the mediocre, the mundane and the hopeless.

Maybe you already have stepped out, but facing opposition, or have settled into the best you think you have, but there is always more. Stretch! Invest what you have, you; your small seed, that which is in your hand. Take another step toward the path of your significant destiny.And keep stepping.

One step could take you toward your significant destiny and begin an exciting journey of influencing your world, of transformation of lives, of investing only that which you can.

Monday 25 August 2008

Isn't It Time To Be A Contributor?

Isn't it strange how we think that the Golden Rule - do good to others - should be done to us.

Somehow people always feel that they need to be respected, considered, and be pampered.
I suppose that is in our psyche. We need to know we are important, that we are special and significant, and that we have value. We do receive a lot of our significance from others, unfortunately. We have such a need for others to approve us, simply because we have not found it in our own value, our own principles, because we don't believe in ourselves and what we have been created to be.
But that breeds an unreal expectation in what we think others should be 'giving' to us in acknowledgment, in approval, in consideration, in whatever it is we think and believe we need,

What we miss is, that the GR states,"Give to others, as you would have them give to you".
It is only in giving, that we understand receiving. It is only when we unselfishly, without agenda and motive, give what others need that we can begin to receive and even understand what it means.

While we are expecting others, constantly, to meet our emotional need, we will find ourselves in a constant need. Do you need a friend? Be a friend. Do you need consideration? Give consideration.

Why don't they ....?
Why don't they ...?
Why don't they ... ?

I heard an account of how Warren Buffet, in his early days, to learn the industry he was involved in, offered to work for nothing. As we know, the result of that 'giving' was how much he learnt and has been able to apply in amassing his own wealthy profile and become a charitable donor.

Instead of thinking, and behaving like everyone owes us a favor, is obligated to us, should be doing something for us, why not begin to contribute what it is we think we need. Be considerate, be respectful. Maybe even work for nothing and see how it opens 'doors' of opportunity to your life.

Everyone needs, and so they are very focused on their own needs, their own lives and, therefore, actually don't have time for yours. But, that is exactly where you can be begin to carve out a place in this world for yourself. Take the focus off you. Make others your agenda. It's amazing how others will respond to those who selflessly give and contribute to their 'need'. As you give what you can, what you are good at, what you believe you need, you will begin, in time, to see a remarkable path of giving begin to open to you.

The greatest significance does not come from receiving, but from giving.
Begin a life of bold contribution today. Give first. Give liberally. Give without expecting anything. Give because you can. Give because someone needs it. Give your pleasantness. Give your respect. Give your talent. Give and reach your full potential.

Saturday 23 August 2008

To Character, or Not To Character

Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Effective People said, "The basic task of leadership is to increase the standard of living and the quality of life for all stakeholders".

Leadership is about who you lead, how you lead them and why you lead them. Leadership is a privilege afforded because of certain elements that have been learned or acquired through experience. One of them being maturity.

Why is it today that the focus is not on maturity in leadership, but on personality or performance; skill and 'giftedness'?
Maturity means the leader is balanced in his/or her leadership, carrying a deep sense of purpose and mission, secure, confident, taking initiative and upright. All in all this could be encapsulated in a word:character.
Somehow, today, it is assumed that 'gifting' and 'skill 'on a leader is the stamp of approval on their character as well. Not so. The character of leadership is found in the inner core values and principles by which the leader lives and conducts himself. These inner core values will be their guiding compass and the foundation of their own inner security of who they are. And that is why they are leaders, because they do not need others to prop them up and create a celebrity status, for them to know who they are and what their mission is. It is when they are so insecure that they need these, that they begin to use their strength to control the weaknesses of others, demanding compliance and agreement and imposing their own belief system on those they lead.

Leadership means I can lead others, influence others, to their own initiative and responsibility, to take charge of and leadership of their own lives, and thereby, bring a synergistic common focus and mission for the organization or task.

Where is the maturity of character in leadership that ensures they will lead regardless of popularity? they will lead with conviction of priciple? they will lead with the strength of their own security? that will lead with integrity? that will be able to experience disagreement/opposition without feeling they are losing their leadership? and most of all, that will lead with uprightness; moral and conscious principles aligned with foundational, unalterable principles that benefit and and increase the standard of living and life of all stakeholders?

Surely, if the leaders of today cannot lead with this kind of leadership, if we cannot find this leadership among us, what is to become of those that seek true leadership? that need leadership? what is to become of our society? what kind of generation of future leaders will we raise?

If our leaders do not have what it takes, if they do not have the fortitude of character to lead with upright conviction, if our spiritual and governmental leaders can compromise, justify and excuse themselves from weakness of character, immature conviction, and immoral principle, what is left for the rest?

I have encountered some leaders of such true and secure character, mature and principled, that have influenced, increased and uplifted my life, so that because I met and knew and was influenced by them, I am a better person today. But I have also encountered leaders large and small, who were so misaligned and insecure, that they tore huge holes in my own character and in those around them. The sad thing is, we are so hungry for and desperate for mature leaders that when a leader arrives with great flash and pomp, we gravitate to it, believing this will be the 'one' that can lead me to where I am designed to be, to my mission, to my purpose in life.

Let us begin to be, not so impressed with the great 'ability' of the leader, as much as, knowing and aligning with principled leadership of mature character.