Wednesday 23 April 2008


Hi Everyone
PA is well into spring now and the surroundings here are amazingly tranquil. We are enjoying the slow pace of the rural world with Amish buggies going by daily and plenty of bird life.
We, again, have begun to make good friends and meet wonderful new people, even a couple from South Africa who have been a blessing to us already.

After stressing a little as we sought the Lord for His purpose for our lives here, we at last have begun to see the hand of the Lord begin to direct and bring destiny to us. What I have learnt these past few weeks is that if we would rest in Him and trust that the Lord will direct our paths we would experience destiny being brought to us.
Live on purpose for your destiny every day and you will begin to live it out over time and seasons.

While wondering what we are doing here in PA, we through a series of divine connections and appointments , were approached by a family to start a work in a town called Reading which is about 14 miles or so from here. After praying and discussing and seeking the Lord's wisdom for us, we have come to conclusion that this it!
We received a letter not long before this from someone in Europe out of the blue saying that they sensed from the time we met in SA that we should be pastoring, with an apostolic thrust. That was such an answer to prayer as we had been praying and seeking the Lord that week about how He wanted us to position ourselves and what He wanted us to do.
Soon after that we received this "Macedonia call" to come and plant and pastor a church in Reading.
Act 16:9 That night Paul had a vision in which he saw a Macedonian standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us!"

Reading has a population of +/- 80,000 people and is located about 2 hours from Philadelphia.
Already I sense an intense urge to pray and press for a significant door of opportunity to open there for the message of Christ to be brought to these people.
Col 4:2 Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to God.
Col 4:3 At the same time pray also for us, so that God will give us a good opportunity to preach his message about the secret of Christ. For that is why I am now in prison.
Col 4:4 Pray, then, that I may speak, as I should, in such a way as to make it clear.

Please pray for us over this season of planting. The foundation of any work is the prayer labor that goes before and during the planting. I honestly believe that 80% of the success is due to prayer and 20% due to effort. Obviously it cannot just be us, but as many as we can muster to help with this work of the Spirit to preach the Word to a hungry people. Even hunger for spiritual things comes with prayer. Prayer moves heaven that moves the hearts of men.
We still sense though that this is not just a local work,but will reach much further to an international level. Already we are beginning training and mentoring of people for church planting to other nations. Some of this will be online and some locally.

As a source of income I am also mentoring Christian business people and individuals in personal strategy for their lives. A real blessing has been an online marketing coach who is assisting me to launch the ministry online and market the market place ministry. The Lord never abandons or fails us, never. He always makes a way, even when it seems all the ways have closed.
If we obey Him and are sensitive to His positioning of our lives for His purpose, tremendous provision comes with it.

We were also recently accepted by King's Way Fellowship International ( an ordained international minister and missionary and so soon we will have non-profit status, for tax exemption.

So, what is the Lord saying to you at this time?
How is he positioning you?
What changes is He requiring of you for the establishing of His goverment?
Where is your world of influence?

It is vital that everyone of us seek the Lord to be spiritually and physically where he wants us to be in this season. World wide there is a shaking going on and the Lord wants to position us not only for our salvation and increase, but also for Him to influence the world through us.

Jesus defined the difference between a faithful leader and a religious leader.
A faithful leader is an example worth imitating.
A religious leader only cares about external appearance and always justifies his actions.
The apostles belonged to the first group and the Pharisees to the second.
To which group do you belong?
The vision Jesus established goes beyond simple religiosity, it is the character of Christ reproduced in us so that we may reproduce it in others.
Rom 8:29 Those whom God had already chosen he also set apart to become like his Son, so that the Son would be the first among many believers.

Many blessings to all

Thank you for everyone's love and support and prayers over this transition time for us as a family. It all has worked effectively on our behalf and will result in a pouring out of gratitude to God from many who will receive because of the positioning of the Lord.
Thank you also to all who are partnering with us for the mission and purpose of Christ on our lives to preach the gospel message to this great country and more. We appreciate you and pray blessings on you and your family.

Shaun, Michelle, and Boyz
The Enoch Enterprise
+1 717 412 1828
A ministry of discipleship and mentoring to reach, establish and send individuals and groups to influence their world.

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