Tuesday 17 July 2007


The devil loves to make a playground out of people's minds and imaginations. He delights in filling their perceptions and senses with illusions that captivate them, paralyze them, and ultimately destroy them. How can believers avoid falling victim to the devil's attacks? They must make a spiritual and mental decision to take charge of every thought that enters their minds!


Rebecca Lebovich said...

I am continually encouraged and motivated and convicted by whatever you pen, but I am curious as to why you never attribute anything to forces besides myself and God. Isn't there an enemy that hates us and has some power, although no authority, that often enters into the mix?

Unknown said...

You cannot stop the enemy from throwing thoughts at you but you can stop them from taking up residence in your thought life ie. your mind.again and again the biblr tells us to be transformed in the processes of our thinking and to take charge of what we ponder on, cause as a man thinketh in is heart (mind) so is he.