Monday 24 March 2008

The right relationships

The question is, how do I know who the right life partner is for me?
Is there one specific person for me to marry and spend the rest of my life with?
Well, how do we know anything is right for us?

Some have a clear knowledge that they have found the right one, but many others don't. So how can they know?
Rom 9:1 I am speaking the truth; I belong to Christ and I do not lie. My conscience, ruled by the Holy Spirit, also assures me that I am not lying.
In every decision we need to be led by the Holy Spirit's promptings, nudges, leadings and impressions. Sometimes these can be a gentle "feeling", and then at times it can a very strong resolution within the deepest part of your bowels.
Every time I have disobeyed these promptings, these cautions, I have found myself getting into situations that were undesirable and costly in one way or another.
Always "listen" to and obey those promptings and nudges you have within.
Confront the person involved, if necessary.
But sometimes you may have to just step back and reevaluate the situation you are stepping into.
Always be secure in who you are. You do not need to 'please' anybody and thereby make a mistake.
Don't be desperate.
Trust the discernment of your heart.
Listen to your "heart".
Be careful, and know when you are being manipulated and intimidated-this is not God's way for you. Godly relationships are liberating, edifying and allow free expression of your individuality and personality.
Know that when you try an appease men, you are being enslaved to them.
Live right, the dream comes to you.

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