Sunday 23 March 2008


On Friday Michelle and I celebrated another year of marriage and companionship. This makes 26 years. When you chose that amazing and wonderful partner, as the one for the rest of your life, you really do not know how that relationship and its vows are going to be tested. And probably a good thing too, otherwise you may never choose.
But you know the Lord has a purpose for our lives, including the person we are to spend the rest of our lives with.
When I met Michelle there was no way I could anticipate all that our journey together would have to endure and enjoy.
Now, I don't think there is anyone I would rather have chosen. She has been such a strength to me in my most critical moments. (Thanks Honey!) She has given me three great sons and been my companion through thick and thin.
Do not base your marriage only on the 'feelings' that change from season to season. Because they change, they can go from bad to good as sure as they go from good to bad. Value what the Lord has given you. How quickly we take for granted that which we treasured so much when we first received.
The essence of marriage is that the two shall become ONE flesh. This is an intimacy of spirit and soul that keeps what God has put together as the center of focus.
The danger is we somehow slip into an old mode of thinking that settles into a mentality of well they just need to happy with me. Instead, we should constantly keep our spouse's life and needs in mind. Be sensitive to their growth and changes they are experiencing and grow with them. When your spouse is your agenda, your communication and efforts are geared toward them and their needs. Always what you give away will come back to you, so much more anyway.

So, here's praying for a rich, satisfying and fulfilling marriage for you too.

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