Saturday 19 July 2008

Get Out The Box!

"Think outside the box!", they told me, but what they meant, I did not have the faintest idea. Looking back now, I didn't even know I was in a box. All my years growing up I had seen only seen one way of doing things from my parents. I was well aware that there were many others who lived better than us and accomplished more than us, but that was just their fate-their BOX.

As the years went on and I began to meet people and learn new things and be exposed to new mindsets, I discovered, I WAS IN A BOX. My life had been fashioned and dictated by a certain mindset, although sincerely, but sincerely wrong. Of course, we were totally convinced we were right, however the results and way we lived proved us wrong. I was rewarded and punished according to that mindset, and slowly but surely over the years my BOX was being formed for me.

With encounters with people of different mindset, I began to realise I needed a change in thinking, in mindset - I needed to think outside the box. Not only did I need this new pattern of thinking, but I also needed to put this thinking pattern into action. No longer could I be an expression only of what I was raised on, I needed to begin to form my own expression.

So, what does it take to get a new mindset and begin to set it into motion?

1. Firmly realise that not all you have been exposed to and taught is the total reality of life.
2. Read about and meet others who have stepped out of their box, and probabaly challenge yours.
3. Decide what roles you want to fulfill in your life and what those roles will accomplish.
4. Begin today to envision a new you in those roles. Allow the dreams and desires in your heart to begin to take shape, regardless of whether you, or others, think it possible or not.
5. Act. Take some action steps today, this week, this month and this year to move you in the direction of your vision, your dreams and desires.

Don't allow the box to limit you all your life. What box has been created to box you in? Begin to think outside that box!

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