Wednesday 23 July 2008


Some simple action steps for improving your listening skills:

  • Don't finish other people's sentences. There is nothing worse than having someone constantly finish your sentence, or put in a word when you are thinking of what to say. What's worse is they usually get it wrong. In the end you don't even feel like talking anymore.
  • Don't daydream while the person is talking (it's easy to space out and start thinking about something irrelevant to the conversation). This can be really embarrassing for you. Ever have someone talking to you and you went off to another zone and they asked a question? When you came back to earth you discover you don't know the question and therefore reveal your wonderful interest in what they were saying. Pay attention.
  • Plan your response after the person has finished speaking, even it means there will be a delay in the conversation. A bit of silence is well worth it. Think about what you are going to say. Again, many times people will speak without contemplating their response and the result being they have either misunderstood totally, or they address what was said insensitively. This can especially happen when you are listening with your mouth full of words ready to blurt out your response just because you have something to say, before they are even finished speaking. Be sensitive.
  • Provide feedback in the form of rephrasing what you heard. Sometimes we are listening though our filters and don't hear what's behind the words, properly. By repeating you actually confirm the "heart" of what was said, and therefore can adress it correctly, not just assuming.
  • Take note of non-verbal cues. They're an important part of communication. Watch the body language it will also assist in assessing the person's intention and motive in what they are saying.

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